Well regulated therapies acceptable within the NHS
Acupuncture: Chinese practice of inserting small needles into the body to stimulate nerve impulses.
Chiropractic: Treatment of musculo-skeletal complaints by through adjusting muscles, tendons and joints using manipulation and massage techniques.
Osteopathy: Similar to chiropractic but underlying theory is that impairment of blood supply, rather than nerves, causes problems.
Herbal medicine: Using plant extracts to treat disorders and maintain good health.
Homeopathy: Treatment involves giving people tiny doses, much diluted, of substances that in larger doses would cause the symptoms that are the problem.
Feel-good therapies that can be used alongside convent-ional medicine and do no harm.
Alexander Technique: Improving general health by teaching good posture.
Aromatherapy: Plant extract oils inhaled or used as massage oil to alleviate symptoms or as relaxant. Common in France.
Hypnotherapy: Use of hypnosis to treat behavioural disease and dysfunction.
Reflexology: Massage of the feet on the theory that each organ has a corresponding location in the foot.
Shiatsu: Japanese massage aiming to increase body's healing ability with light pressure on points across the body.
Alternative treatments which the committee found scientifically unproven and unregulated
Ayurvedic medicine: Ancient Indian discipline based on mind-spirit-body interaction, employing natural herbs, usually in mixtures for treatment.
Naturopathy: Stimulating the body's natural responses through diet, herbs and exposure to sun and fresh air.
Traditional Chinese medicine: Theory that imbalance of yin and yang energy causes symptoms, using acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage and exercise for treatment.
Crystal therapy: Crystals, said to absorb and transmit energy, used to "tune" the body by being placed in patterns around it.
Iridology: Diagnosing health problems through studying the iris of the eye and noting marks and changes.