Protection is the key to keeping Afro hair looking good over summer months. Try not to subject your hair to any more heat than is necessary, so rather than blow-drying, towel-dry it instead, and make sure you use a moisturising treatment once a week, ideally leaving the conditioner on overnight to get maximum effect.
Don't ignore the special sun ranges, either - these products act as a barrier between your chlorine-soaked hair and the sun, and replace the lost moisture that makes Afro hair frizz so badly. "If you hair is over-processed - if you've had it relaxed or coloured, say - the damage will be greater," says celebrity hairdresser Errol Douglas. "Your hair will already be dry and will break easily. Red shades will fade in the sun and lighter colours will lift [get lighter]. Use a protector in the sun, something that is oil-based, to moisturise the hair, and shampoo it out when the sun goes down."
Taking a good instant reconditioner to the beach is another way to lessen the damage. Bliss from Nioxin and Instant Care Fluid from the LC2 Sun Care range (by Goldwell) - a spray and a cream, respectively - both add instant moisture without being too heavy. After all, greasy curls are not a good beach look. "If you find your hair is frizzing, then you need to replace lost moisture," says veteran hairdresser Terry Jacques. "Frizz usually occurs after you've been swimming or are in a humid atmosphere. Rather than using any more water, use a moisture-rich spray or apply some wax to the ends, as this moisturises and acts as a de-frizzer."
Try to wash your hair just once, at the end of the day, with a shampoo that gets rid of chlorine and sea water. After Sun & Sport Shampoo from Redken and Aloe Rid from Nexus both leave hair squeaky clean, but are very drying, so a moisture-rich, detangling conditioner is essential afterwards, especially if you wear your hair curly, otherwise it'll mat together at the merest hint of sea water. If possible, apply at the end of the day and leave on overnight - assuming it doesn't rain, you'll have silky locks by morning. Finally, pack plenty of headscarves: they protect your hair from an unforgiving sun and hide a multitude of sins.