Dr John Briffa 

Tricks and treats

If your child isn't keen on fruit and vegetables, you may have to rely on basic culinary cunning, says Dr John Briffa.

Pretty much every parent will be keen to ensure their little ones eat a healthy, balanced diet. A recent campaign by the food company Heinz may give the impression that this task has suddenly got a whole lot easier. According to Heinz, we can count many of its canned foods towards our daily fruit and vegetable quota. Half a can of tomato soup, we are told, gives us two whole servings. Quite how Heinz has come to this conclusion is beyond me. Many beneficial elements such as fibre and vitamins can be lost in the processing of canned foods. Plus, such cupboard staples are laced with quite generous quantities of salt and refined sugar - two things it makes sense to minimise. So while Heinz may talk up the health-giving properties of its foods, my advice is: stick with the fruit and veg.

While we can be relaxed about giving our children the occasional serving of food from a tin, I would be very wary about relying exclusively on such foods. Fruit and veg are best eaten in as unadulterated a form as possible. The problem is, some children seem to have an almost pathological aversion to fresh produce, which is where creative meal planning can come in handy.

Playing to a child's strengths is a good tactic. Even if a child likes only certain fruits or vegetables, these should be provided in quantity. If he is keen on fruit but not vegetables, keeping a well-stocked fruit bowl may reap more dividends than force-feeding him spinach. If he likes only some vegetables, giving him those and not making an issue of his pet hates is a good long-term strategy. Bear in mind that most children go through picky-eating phases. Besides, plying a child with unwanted foods can encourage the development of some serious mental barriers to specific foods.

One trick for getting a child to eat more fruit and veg is disguise. A child who won't eat fresh fruit may happily drink a blended-fruit smoothie. Zizzing up a banana and some berries with a little water and ice makes a tasty, nutritious drink for children of all ages. A dollop of yogurt can give added appeal, too.

Blending can be a useful tactic for getting more vegetables into a child. For instance, adding puréed carrots to a pasta sauce may not register a blip on a child's food radar. Some children find raw vegetables dipped into humus or guacamole an attractive proposition.

Parents often find that the more they involve their child in food preparation the more likely they are to eat those foods. Even small children can be encouraged to wash fruit and vegetables, or add them to a pot or blender. And one final thing: studies show that parents who eat plenty of fruit and veg are more likely to have children who do the same. As far as healthy eating goes, as with most things in life, it helps to lead by example.

Nutrition news

Irritable bowel syndrome is characterised by abdominal bloating and discomfort, and maybe coupled with excess wind and constipation and/or loose bowels. Sufferers of this condition are often advised to eat a high-fibre diet, and may gravitate to wholemeal bread and a high-bran breakfast cereal. However, a study published in the medical journal The Lancet found that 55 per cent of IBS sufferers experienced a worsening of symptoms when they ate more whole wheat and wheat bran-rich foods. In practice, IBS is quite often related to food sensitivity, with wheat being a common offending foodstuff.

My experience is that many IBS sufferers often find great relief on eliminating wheat products from their diet. Alternative (non-wheat) sources of fibre include oats, beans, pulses, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables.

Dear John

My feet feel very hot. The discomfort can be unbearable and often keeps me awake. Painkillers don't help much, and all my doctor can suggest is sleeping tablets. Is there anything natural that might help?
Robert, Andover

It sounds as though you have burning-feet syndrome. Most doctors find this condition puzzling because individuals who suffer from it do not appear to have anything wrong with their circulation and/ or nerve supply to the feet. The syndrome is very often related to a deficiency of vitamin B5. Other symptoms which may point to such a deficiency include depression, fatigue, weakness and loss of appetite.

I suggest you eat more foods rich in vitamin B5, including eggs, nuts and whole grains such as wholemeal bread. However, this strategy alone is likely to take quite a long time. For speedier results, take 250mg of vitamin B5 twice a day until your symptoms subside. After this, take a B-complex supplement containing 25-50mg of vitamins B1-B6 every day to prevent future deficiency.


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