Dr John Briffa 

Clearing the air

Summer means itchy eyes and the sneezes if you're prone to hay fever. But there's no need to suffer, says Dr John Briffa.

Most of us welcome the warmer weather that comes as spring turns to summer with open arms. Unless, that is, we happen to be afflicted by hay fever. For some, a rise in the pollen count can signal the start of a miserable constellation of symptoms including sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes. Conventional treatment for hay fever is based on antihistamine pills and steroid nasal sprays. However, increasing numbers of sufferers aren't particularly happy about using these products.

When working with a hay-fever patient, I tend to look at the diet first. The elimination or reduction of certain foods in the diet can be very effective in bringing hay fever symptoms under control. It seems that some foods have the capacity to 'sensitise' the delicate tissues around the nose and eyes, essentially making them more likely to react to normally innocuous airborne agents such as pollen. I find dairy products to be the most troublesome. Dairy products are notorious for stimulating congestion and mucus production in and around the nose.

Problems with dairy products can start in childhood when they may become manifest as ear infection, glue ear, or recurrent sore throats or tonsillitis. Anyone whose childhood was troubled with one or more of these problems, who tends to suffer from hay fever and/or congestion, might do well to try a dairy-free diet. Butter is usually well tolerated, but all other cow's milk-based products - including milk, cheese and ice cream - should go. In my experience, eschewing dairy products can clear the airways within a couple of weeks and ease hay-fever symptoms considerably.

The symptoms of hay fever are largely attributable to a substance called histamine, which is why antihistamines are a mainstay treatment for this condition. However, release of histamine in the body can be dampened through natural means, too. Vitamin C, bromelain (an extract of pineapple) and the plant compound quercetin all have natural antihistamine action in the body and may help control hay-fever symptoms. Another natural substance traditionally used to treat allergic conditions such as hay fever is nettle. One supplement that I like to use in practice is Allergy Support. A blend of nettle, combined with vitamin C, bromelain and quercetin, this often seems to quell hay-fever symptoms quite naturally. To order, phone Panacea on 020 8795 3730.

One other natural remedy which can work for hay fever is the herb Butterbur (Petasites hybridus). Earlier this year, the British Medical Journal published a study which pitted Butterbur head-to-head with the conventional antihistamine drug cetirizine (marketed in the UK as Zirtek). The two treatments were found to be equally effective in reducing hay-fever symptoms, though cetirizine tended to cause more problems in the way of fatigue and drowsiness.

Dear John

I am 48 and suffer from a feeling of soreness on my tongue and inside my mouth. My dentist tells me there is nothing wrong from a medical perspective. Is there any way I can alleviate this problem?
Geoff Singleton, Burton-on-Trent

The healthy tongue is an even red colour, smooth and without cracks. However, certain vitamin deficiencies can lead to problems with soreness and discomfort. Perhaps the most important nutrients are the B vitamins. Individuals lacking in folic acid can develop sore mouths and throats. Too little vitamin B3 (niacinamide) can cause soreness of the gums, mouth and tongue. Sore lips have also been noted to be related to deficiencies of folic acid, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and vitamin B6.

Whatever the precise cause of the problem, I recommend that you take a B-complex supplement. Take a supplement that contains at least 25-50mg of the major B-vitamins, along with some vitamin B12 and folic acid too. Taking this supplement every day is likely to resolve the soreness you are currently suffering within a few weeks.

Nutrition news

One in nine women will develop breast cancer at some point in their life, with about 30,000 news cases occurring in England and Wales each year. It is well know that many cancers are diet-related, and breast cancer seems to be no exception. A recent study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that eating a vegetarian diet was associated with a significantly reduced risk of breast cancer. Interestingly, it was not the lower consumption of meat, but more the high intake of vegetables and pulses that seemed to account for this relatively high protection against the disease - yet more evidence for the benefits of eating a diet based on whole, unprocessed foods.

· Ultimate Health: Twelve Keys to Abundant Health and Happiness by Dr John Briffa is published on 6 June by Michael Joseph at £12.99.


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