Is there anything I can do to prevent myself catching colds after travelling on aeroplanes?
Add seven drops lavender, seven drops bergamot, four drops eucalyptus and three drops of tea tree to 50ml of sweet almond oil, shake the mixture and massage it over your chest, upper arms and neck for two days before you fly and just before you board. These anti-viral and anti-bacterial oils also stimulate the immune system. They'll be absorbed into your blood, and will also evaporate with the heat of your body to fumigate the air you breathe in. Take 1g of vitamin C a day and 10 drops echinacea three times a day in the weeks before and after flying.
My husband, three-year-old son and I are going on a beach holiday. I will be six months' pregnant. Are there any sun creams that don't contain nasties?
Baby skin is five times thinner than that of an adult, and we absorb up to 60% of what we put on our skin. The sun creams by Green People are good and the Happy Kids Sun Lotion SPF15 and SPF22 contain water lily, edelweiss and aloe vera, which nourishes the skin and reduces sun damage. They also contain factors that protect against UVA and UVB radiation. You can order this from Natural Child Limited on 02380 693290 ( and
Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Send queries to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: