Dr John Briffa 

When the mood takes you…

PMS brings misery to many every month. Dr John Briffa says a change in diet may help break the cycle of despair.

Not so long ago, the condition pre-menstrual syndrome was struggling for recognition. As a medical student, I remember attending a gynaecology clinic at the London medical school where I was training. During the clinic, I decided to canvas my (male) consultant's views on PMS. He described women as 'emotional creatures', and brought the discussion to an abrupt close.

Fortunately, in the intervening 15 years, attitudes to pre-menstrual syndrome have moved on, and the condition has gained widespread acceptance by the conventional medical establishment. Good job, too, because some reports estimate that as many as 80 per cent of women will be affected by this condition at some point in their lives.

And while awareness has grown, so has interest in its treatment, with several studies suggesting that natural approaches have much to offer. There is good evidence that homespun remedies can put a brake on the emotional roller-coaster ride that many women take each month.

Pre-menstrual syndrome is a term used to describe a constellation of symptoms that typically occur in the week or two prior to menstruation. Telltale signs include irritability, depression and tearfulness. Physical symptoms are common, too, and include fatigue, food cravings, abdominal bloating, breast tenderness and fluid retention. The precise nature and severity of the condition is a highly individual affair: while some women may experience say a couple of pounds' worth of additional weight in the pre-menstrual phase, others may experience extremes of mood and behaviour that precipitate considerable fall-out in their lives and the lives of those around them.

Diet appears to have potential in bringing the symptoms of PMS under control. There is evidence that supplementing with the minerals calcium and magnesium helps a significant number of pre-menstrual women. It is perhaps no coincidence that research also shows that many British women's diets are deficient in these two nutrients.

While many looking for extra calcium in the diet may turn to dairy products, my preference would be to opt mainly for foods that are likely to offer better all-round nutritional benefits. Canned fish (especially tinned salmon and sardines), beans, pulses, sesame seeds (eg brown tahini) and nuts are all good options in this respect.

Magnesium-rich foods include beans, pulses, nuts and green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and darkly coloured varieties of lettuce. Women who feel they may need a little extra help might want to consider supplementation, too. I recommend 750mg of calcium and 500mg of magnesium each day.

One natural remedy with a reputation for its PMS-quelling effects is the herb Agnus castus (also known as Vitex and Monk's Pepper). Agnus castus appears to help balance the hormonal fluctuations in the second half of the cycle that some scientists believe are at the root of many cases of PMS. In practice I have found Agnus castus (at a dose of 40mg of dried herb or 40 drops of tincture per day) to be very effective in controlling PMS symptoms within two or three menstrual cycles.

My old consultant gynaecologist might be interested to know that simple natural approaches can bring welcome relief to 'emotional creatures' everywhere.

Dear John

I am 23 and for the last three years have suffered from bouts of genital herpes every four to six months. Is there anything I can do to help reduce the chances of recurrence?
Name and address withheld

Genital herpes is caused by a virus very similar to the one responsible for cold sores. Once contracted, the virus lies dormant in the body but is normally kept in check by the body's immune system. However, the virus can reactivate and cause problems from time to time, especially if we are run down and the immune system weakened.

Normally, a herpes outbreak will start with numbness, tingling or pain in the affected area. Taking the amino acid lysine when you are first aware of these symptoms can often stop an attack developing as this nutrient interferes with the growth of the herpes virus. Take 1g of lysine, three times a day, until the symptoms subside. At the same time take 1g of vitamin C, three times a day, for its immune stimulating and anti-viral properties.

While lysine inhibits the herpes virus, another amino acid - arginine - encourages it. It is a good idea for you to avoid foods that are high in arginine and low in lysine, such as chocolate and nuts (especially peanuts). In the long term, taking 500mg of lysine and 1g of vitamin C each day may well reduce your risk of future herpes outbreaks.

You'll find lysine and vitamin C supplements in your local health food store.

· If you have any issues you would like Dr John Briffa to address in this column, please contact him by email on john.briffa@observer.co.uk. Please note that Dr Briffa cannot enter into any personal correspondence.


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