I suffer from constant catarrh, fits of sneezing, congestion and asthma, which started when we sanded a floor a number of years ago. I have eliminated eggs, dairy, wheat, citrus and sugar from my diet for two weeks and inhaled various oils. I've also taken echinacea and vitamin A. There has been a slight improvement. Can you suggest anything else ? I believe lapacho (pau d'arco) is good for the immune system - what do you think?
Lapacho is found in the bark of the pau d'arco tree (also called taheebo) and has been used for centuries by native Americans against infections and as a general cure-all. It can help asthma, bronchitis and throat problems, but is not the most appropriate remedy. N-acetyl cysteine is an amino acid with strong antioxidant properties and is more specifically recommended for chronic respiratory illnesses. Take two 600mg tablets daily between meals. Also take 3g of vitamin C a day. Keep taking the vitamin A, but only take the echinacea for three weeks at a time. Your diet should be low in salt and high in water (two litres a day). N-acetyl cysteine is available from Solgar (01442 890355 for nearest stockists).
I have three unsightly red lumps on one leg, caused by insect bites that never healed properly. Although they no longer itch or cause me pain, I often catch them with the razor when I shave my legs, causing them to bleed. Is there a natural way to reduce these lumps and to get rid of the redness?
Take homeopathic ledum 30c once a day for three days and repeat the following week if necessary. If there is no improvement, try homeopathic tissue salts of silica potency 6x, three times a day for two weeks. (For remedies and advice, call Helios on 01892 537254.) An excellent traditional remedy is cold-pressed pure castor oil. Soak small squares of unbleached wool flannel lint in the oil and, using plasters or clingfilm, place over each bite. Do this every evening for two to three weeks, at the same time as the above treatments, and the lumps and redness should reduce dramatically. (For lint and castor oil, call the Edgar Cayce Centre on 01207 237696.)
I'm 39, don't smoke and rarely drink alcohol or coffee. I suffer with rosacea [an inflammatory skin condition], especially on my nose and cheeks. In the past I've used Atarax, oxytetracycline and hydrocortisone cream. Recently I've been using a hypoallergenic wash and aloe vera gel. However, none of these has helped. Can you suggest alternatives?
Rosacea is linked to problems with the digestive system and the liver, and is exacerbated by stress. A wide range of foods (often spicy and hot foods), extremes of temperature and sunlight can set it off. You are right to keep off alcohol and coffee; tea and chocolate can also cause reactions. Helen Sher runs a famous skincare clinic specialising in rosacea (020-7499 4022; sher.co.uk), where she recommends an individual programme to people who visit the clinic or who fill in a questionnaire on the website. The treatment includes herbs taken internally to address overacidity and inflammation, such as burdock, alfalfa, olive leaf powder and the mineral selenium, plus sage to reduce the hot flushes.
&3183; Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Her recommendations are to be followed in conjunction with advice from your own healthcare provider. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.