More than 4,000 patients with haemophilia in England are finally to be given synthetic blood clotting factor to minimise the risk of future infections through donated blood plasma.
Hundreds are already infected with HIV and thousands with hepatitis C because of contamination, and some are convinced they might have unknowingly contracted variant CJD as well without yet showing symptoms.
The government yesterday sought to end a long-running dispute with the haemophilia community by finally putting all British patients on the same footing over access to synthetic clotting factor, known as recombinant. Patients in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales have long had that alternative - as, since 1998, have those diagnosed when children in England.
The government has blamed shortage of supplies for being unable to extend the provision of synthetic material but has faced a rebellion from patients. Some have put their health at further risk, refusing human-derived clotting factor in an attempt to put pressure on ministers. Others have joined a black market - probably illegally - involving patients in parts of Britain which have synthetic supplies.
Carol Grayson, of Haemophilia Action, said yesterday her long-time haemophiliac partner, Peter Longstaff, was seriously ill after refusing treatment with human derived plasma for three years. Mr Longstaff, who lives in Newcastle, also has HIV and hepatitis C. "The government deprived Peter of treatment for the last three years and it has left him in a bad way. They have put them [haemophiliacs] in life-threatening situations. This decision is very late in the day."
Members of her group plan legal action in the US against plasma manufacturers who allegedly provided contaminated products in the 70s and 80s. They also allege some patients were unknowingly tested by British doctors for hepatitis C before they signed a legal promise they would not claim compensation for having been given the disease.
The Haemophilia Society, the national patient group, has demanded £522m compensation for 2,800 haemophiliacs unwittingly infected with hepatitis C. Karin Pappenheim, its chief executive, said the synthetic treatment "is now seen as the safest modern treatment."
Paul Giangrande, of the Oxford Haemophilia Centre, said: "This is good news and going to be welcomed by everybody."
Hazel Blears, the health minister, said the switch, costing £88m over three years, would begin with treatment for the 1,500 most severe haemophilia patients. Doctors would have to recommend the switch in individual cases. The government is under pressure to hold a public inquiry into the contamination scandal.
Yesterday's announcement represents the latest step to protect the donated blood supply from possible contamination.