Emma Mitchell 

Ask Emma

Is there an evening primrose oil available that is not encased in a gelatine capsule? We are a vegetarian family and my four-year-old daughter takes it for her eczema.

Is there an evening primrose oil available that is not encased in a gelatine capsule? We are a vegetarian family and my four-year-old daughter takes it for her eczema.

BioCare has evening primrose oil in 511mg vegetable capsules, each containing 51mg gammolinolenic acid; she could take one, twice a day with meals. You can also tear the capsules apart to apply oil directly to her skin. To get the right balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, grind up flaxseed and sprinkle on her cereal, or pour a little flaxseed oil on vegetables, mashed potato and rice or pasta when they have cooled a bit. Call BioCare on 0121-433 3727; £11.45 for 90 capsules, product code 54990.

I am 48 and am plagued by chronic constipation. Eating more fibre-rich foods, especially fruit and vegetables, and wholemeal bread, does not help - I simply bloat until my stomach is a tight and agonising drum. Any change in routine exacerbates it and laxatives and suppositories don't work. The general sense of discomfort and slowness really gets me down. I have been medically checked and there is no blockage. Any advice?

It is very important to drink lots of pure filtered water because otherwise you will absorb it from your faeces while they are in the colon, and the longer they spend there, the harder they are to pass. Try drinking 2 litres between meals. The bloating may indicate a food intolerance, perhaps to yeast, gluten, wheat or dairy. Try eliminating these from your diet. Meat, cheese, eggs, refined grains, processed foods and salt can also cause constipation.

Laxatives do not solve the underlying problem and make the colon lazy, but high doses of vitamin C (3g daily) work as a natural laxative, and if magnesium levels are low, a daily supplement of 300-450mg will make a great difference. Flaxseed oil (3 tbsp a day) makes stools easier to pass and high-fibre fructo-oligosaccharide (1-6 tsp of EliminEase daily) will establish and maintain bowel regularity, keep stools moist and feed the friendly bacteria in your intestines. Artichoke leaf extract (2 tablets with each meal) will help the constipation and is very effective at combating bloating. Daily exercise that tones the abdomen is also extremely important. For supplements, call Nature's Best on 01892 552117.

I am in my late 40s, pre-menopausal, and still suffer outbreaks of acne. I have a clear spell after my period but just before it, and at ovulation, my skin becomes hot and greasy, and spots develop. I am fit and well, follow a well-balanced diet and a sensible cleansing regime, and have tried just about everything.

At ovulation and before a period, hormone fluctuations compounded by high blood sugar levels can overload your system. Herbs and dietary changes, plus attention to good bowel function, will reduce acne. Cut out sugars and refined carbohydrates (white pasta, bread and rice, etc). Eat slow-releasing carbohydrates (wholefoods) combined with protein in small, frequent meals. Avoid stimulants, salt, processed foods and saturated fats (meat and dairy), drink lots of filtered water and try to reduce stress. Plant phytoestrogens restore hormone balance; go for dong quai, agnus castus, blue cohosh, alfalfa and soy isoflavones such as tofu, miso and tempeh. Or try HerBalance I by Vitamin Research Products from the NutriCentre, 0800 587 2290 (nutricentre.com).

· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Her recommendations are to be followed in conjunction with advice from your own healthcare provider. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.


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