Emma Mitchell 

Ask Emma

Is there a homeopathic remedy to help prevent ear wax? I swim regularly - does this make it worse? And what is the best way to get rid of wax?

Is there a homeopathic remedy to help prevent ear wax? I swim regularly - does this make it worse? And what is the best way to get rid of wax?

Wax is a normal secretion necessary to protect the ears. It is important to keep the outer ear clean but not to poke about in the ear or swab the wax out too much, since this can lead to infections. If you are producing too much wax, try homeopathic causticum 6c, four times daily for up to seven days. If this doesn't help, visit a homeopath (the Society of Homeopaths, 01604 621400, or homeopathy-soh.org). Hopi ear candles are a safe and natural way to remove obstinate wax. A hollow candle made of natural linen and beeswax is placed in the ear and lit - old wax softens and is drawn out, and healing herbal vapours penetrate the ear. Many complementary therapists offer this.

I have Turner's syndrome and am on a daily prescription of 100mg of ethinyloestradiol, a side effect of which is frequent migraine-like headaches that can last from one to four days. Can you suggest anything to help?

The synthetic oestrogen you are taking is used to make up hormonal deficiencies characteristic of Turner's syndrome. Although this is probably the primary cause of the migraines, often there are contributing factors such as stress and food allergies which, if addressed, could reduce the severity and frequency of attacks. Learn relaxation and meditation techniques to combat stress. Fresh ginger root or fresh peppermint and rosemary tea may help. The herbs feverfew and butterbur have helped many sufferers, although first check with your doctor that these will not interfere with the drugs you are taking. Also, visit a herbalist (National Institute Of Medical Herbalists, 01392 426022, or nimh.org.uk). Otherwise, M-Gon (by Margaret Evans, 01526 832491) is a blend of peppermint and sweet basil oils in a roller to apply to the temples to give immediate relief. Call the Migraine Trust on 020-7831 4818 for a free copy of the booklet Women And Migraine.

Over the past year my hair has become very thin and frizzy. I am 57 and female. My doctor suggested that HRT would help, but I don't want to take it just to thicken my hair. Is there a natural remedy I can take?

Thinning hair is often a problem for women as they approach menopause. As ovulation occurs less frequently, less progesterone is produced and you produce slightly more of the male hormone, testosterone. Raised testosterone levels can lead to male pattern baldness. Supplementation with natural progesterone would help (for further information, send an SAE to the Natural Progesterone Information Service, PO Box 24, Buxton, SK17 9FB). Green tea has been found to reduce levels of free testosterone in the blood, and in the far east is a popular remedy for baldness. Supplement with vitamin E, as this reduces elevated levels of male sex hormones in women. (Natural vitamin E, one capsule a day, and High Antioxidant Green Tea, from Higher Nature, 01435 882880). Reduced stress, good circulation to the scalp and optimum nutrition are important for healthy hair. Iron, zinc, B vitamins, the amino acid lysine and essential fatty acids help build up the hair, and vitamin C, E and the herb ginkgo biloba help circulation to the scalp. Nutrihair is a nutritional supplement by Nature's Best; call its hair helpline on 01892 554348.

· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Her recommendations are to be followed in conjunction with advice from your own healthcare provider. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com


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