I am a 42-year-old woman who has battled with acne all her life. I currently take antibiotics, but plan to try for a baby again (I have tried before and failed) and need to be clear of the antibiotics. What advice would you give?
Before becoming pregnant, it would be wise to find the cause of the acne, because it could also affect your chance of getting pregnant and will certainly affect your health and that of your baby, should you conceive.
The acne could be a sign of poor diet, food allergy, digestive problems, infection, hormone imbalances and/or a lack of certain nutrients. Antibiotics taken long-term will damage your gut lining and exacerbate the problem. It is likely you have high copper and low zinc levels, and that you do not drink enough filtered water.
You need to have a detailed consultation and hair analysis to test for mineral imbalances with Foresight, the Association for the Promotion of Pre-conceptual Care; for an information pack, call 01483 427839. Clear up your health problem first - do not rush into pregnancy because of your age.
A female Chinese friend makes soya milk from raw, uncooked soya beans soaked overnight in half a pint of water, then rinsed, blitzed in a processor and strained. As a menopausal woman, I like the idea of drinking unsweetened soy milk without additives, but have been told that soy beans contain a toxin that must be destroyed by boiling first. Is this true?
Beans of the kidney family, particularly the red and black beans, contain a potentially harmful toxin that is rendered harmless by boiling. Soya beans, however, are safe eaten raw, but first soak in filtered water for at least eight hours. Even bought soya milk contains beans that have been soaked, hulled and pulped raw. Soya milk is packed with nutrients, particularly minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals, which reduce the risk of cancer, lower cholesterol and boost energy. Soya is very helpful during the menopause because it can help to balance hormone levels and reduce symptoms naturally, without side effects. It is not as high in calcium as cows' milk, however, so it would be wise to take a supplement (1,500mg a day). Also, use non-GM organic beans.
I'm will soon be going to north-east Africa for two weeks. Is there anything I can start taking now to help prevent traveller's diarrhoea and other lurgies? It's also likely to be very, very hot, and malarial. I'm taking malaria tablets, but am I correct in thinking that the critters hate the scent of lemon?
A good probiotic supplement, such as PB8 by Nutrition Now, will furnish your intestines with eight different strains of beneficial bacteria. This will strengthen your digestive system and help it to combat undesirable bugs; take two a day. Citricidal, by Higher Nature, is made of grapefruit seed extract - a powerful natural antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral. Take 20-30 drops a day during your holiday and for two weeks after your trip (or for longer if your stomach hasn't settled). PB8 and Citricidal are available from Victoria Health, 0800 389 8195 or victoriahealth.com. Insects hate Zap! It contains botanical extracts, including lemon eucalyptus oil, which is effective against mosquitoes in particular (0870 220 2273 or barefoot-botanicals.com).
· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Her recommendations are to be followed in conjunction with advice from your own healthcare provider. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.