Emma Mitchell 

Ask Emma

I am 51 and have been suffering from reflux for some time. Is there a way I can help myself?

I am 51 and have been suffering from reflux for some time. My specialist suggested I take Nexium long-term, but information from the Digestive Disorder Foundation suggests that Nexium should cure me and then I should stop taking it. Is there a way I can help myself?

Reflux occurs when the valve between the oesophagus and stomach is weakened, allowing acid from the stomach to well up into the oesophagus, causing pain. Nexium is a powerful drug that cuts out the acid production in the stomach, reducing the burning sensation but not preventing the reflux. Acid is necessary for digestion and to kill bacteria. Ironically, it is likely that the root of the problem is low levels of stomach acid, which would inhibit the action of the digestive enzymes.

Certain foods are not being efficiently broken down, leading to inflammation of the lining of the oesophagus, valve and stomach, preventing the valve from closing. Visit a kinesiologist to identify food intolerances (a likely irritant is wheat). Contact the Association of Systematic Kinesiology on 01424 753375 and kinesiology-uk.com. Yarrow will stimulate the production of your own digestive enzymes (Yarrow Complex, by Bioforce, 01294 277344, bioforce.co.uk).

I have what look like small warts on my hands and body. They have not grown in size in five or so years, but there are more of them. Could this be a virus? I cannot put creams or ointment on them since they are all over my body, and too small to give attention to every one. I have been told they are blocked glands, but under a magnifying glass they look like broccoli! Would a skin specialist be able to do a test of some sort?

It does sound as if your body has succumbed to a wart virus, but to be sure ask your GP to refer you to a dermatologist. You need to follow an immune-boosting diet with supplements. A good book to guide you is Boost Your Immune System, by Patrick Holford and Jennifer Meek. Bathe daily in NHR's Vitality massage and bath oil. This is a blend of tea tree, eucalyptus and rosemary; together they have a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and immune-boosting action.
Spend at least 20 minutes soaking in the bath and, to clear your blocked glands, brush all over your body in small gentle circular movements with a natural bristle brush after washing your skin with NHR organic tea tree soap. NHR Organic Essential Oils on 0800 074 7744.

Is it true that antiperspirants can be harmful? Are there any effective natural alternatives?

The active ingredient in most antiperspirants is aluminium chlorohydrate, which blocks the skin pores so that the sweat cannot come out. However, perspiration is one way that the body eliminates toxins, and if this process is stopped then the toxins build up, causing lymphatic problems, cysts and other skin irritations. Deodorants allow the sweat to surface but stop bacteria from forming on the residue (it is the bacteria that cause the odour). Drink lots of water to aid the elimination of toxins. My husband, who has tested many different natural deodorants, found Aloe Evershield from Forever Living Products (0870 755 5805) the most effective, even during mountain biking. It contains no harmful aluminium salts and uses aloe vera gel as the antibacterial agent.

· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Her recommendations are to be followed in conjunction with advice from your own healthcare provider. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.


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