I am 45, female, 5ft 2in and 7st 4lbs and quite fit, though I do have a sedentary job. I do yoga, rebounding and a weekly jog round the park. In the past couple of years I've noticed clusters of spidery red capillaries appearing on my thighs, and my lower legs and hands swell up, specially when it's hot. Any suggestions, healthwise?
Horse chestnut helps varicose and spider veins by reducing inflammation and oedema, witch hazel prevents congestion and tired feelings in the legs. Gotu kola improves blood flow. Ultra Vein-Gard by NaturalCare is a combination of these and four other herbs which helps the veins to function properly, relieves vein swelling and improves their appearance in six to eight weeks. Clear Vein Cream by Derma E helps eliminate spider veins and reduce the bruising - it contains horse chestnut, grape seed extract and witch hazel. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and circulatory nutrient - a superior brand is LifeTime E-400 Softgel. All available from Victoria Health on 0800 3898 195.
I have been breastfeeding my baby girl (now 4 weeks) and found a red, hard, hot lump on my right breast with red streaks running out from the nipple. My GP said it was a blocked milk duct and gave me antibiotics. If this recurs is there anything natural I can do as I don't want to keep taking antibiotics?
Blocked milk ducts can become infected leading to mastitis. However, if you act immediately you can avoid mastitis and treat the blocked duct naturally. Before feeding take a hot, folded flannel and press it over the breast, particularly in the affected area, and roll towards the nipple using the flat of your hand and fingers. Alternatively, use a thermal pack - Blooming Marvellous sells Breast Nurse, shaped packs for treating blocked milk ducts. Feed for as long as your baby will do so on that breast. After baby is full, use the hot flannel again to express any remaining milk. If breast tissue is still hard, put baby back on this breast for the next feed, going to the other breast later. Buy homeopathic Belladonna 200C, take it once an hour for three doses as soon as you feel the symptoms (Galen Homeopathics 01305 263996).
I am 34 years old and I don't think there is a pore on my nose, chin or forehead which doesn't contain a blackhead. While it doesn't look nearly as bad as it sounds, it is something I am very conscious about.
I asked natural health guru Leslie Kenton, founder of Estée Lauder's 'Origins' range and author of Skin Revolution, for her advice. Comedones (blackheads) have to be pre-softened with steam or hot flannels after cleansing the skin thoroughly, says Kenton. The blackness is caused by the oxidation of oil and debris caught in the pores. By hand, or using specially-designed instruments, the beautician will pull the skin taut so that the small, clogged pores will release their contents. Enzyme treatments which gently exfoliate can help remove dead cells from the skin's surface to make the process easier. If the skin is both dehydrated and clogged, periodic enzyme pore treatment is enormously helpful. Also, weekly ozone treatments can deeply detoxify the skin and help keep the blackheads from forming again.
· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions.
Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.