I'm 70 and have dry eye syndrome. I find it hard to watch TV or read. What natural products can I take?
Dry eye syndrome can be helped by a daily intake of potassium: a banana a day supplies 400mg. Take 1,500mg daily of evening primrose, borage or blackcurrant seed oil, which contain gamma-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid that increases tear production. Use natural 'artificial tears' eyedrops with no preservatives. Blocked oil glands in the eyelids can cause dry eyes: add two drops of euphrasia (by Nelsons, 020-8780 4200) to an eyebath.
When my daughter was in her teens, she suffered from a lot of nausea and vomiting, and was diagnosed with a delayed digestion. The pill made a big difference, and she has led a normal life ever since, but she burps a lot.
Swallowing excess air can cause burping: this can be caused by fizzy drinks, smoking, boiled sweets, chewing gum, eating too quickly or sniffing a lot. Simple avoidance may solve the problem. Burping can also be due to what you call a delayed digestion - if there are not enough digestive enzymes, food stays too long in the stomach and small intestine, producing gases leading to belching and bloating. An improved diet can encourage these digestive enzymes, or they can be taken in pill form before meals (for example, Digestizyme by Nature's Best, 01892 552117). Ginger also stimulates production of these enzymes and prevents belching: drink a cup of ginger tea made from fresh ginger root with each meal. Cardamom, fennel seed or clove tea would also work, as would 10-15 drops of peppermint oil in a small cup of cold water. Digestive enzymes, ginger and peppermint tea would also help with nausea and vomiting.
· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions.
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