Tash Shifrin 

Public asked how to make the nation healthier

A national consultation on how to improve public health and tackle the 'worrying problems' of obesity, smoking and sexually transmitted infections was launched today by the health secretary, John Reid.

A national consultation on how to improve public health and tackle the "worrying problems" of obesity, smoking and sexually transmitted infections has been launched by the health secretary, John Reid.

The move follows publication of last week's report by former bank chief Derek Wanless, calling for a shift from a "national sickness service which treats disease to a national health service which focuses on preventing it".

The consultation document, Choosing Health? asks for views on restricting smoking, food labelling and advertising, preventing sexual infections and employers' provision of "healthy workplaces".

Mr Reid said the government was prepared to use the law to try to improve public health but would rather work with the public and industry to get results.

"We are prepared to use legislation but we know that we cannot make the nation healthy by dictate. The government can't solve this problem on our own. People have to solve their own health problems ultimately, not just government, doctors and hospitals," he said.

The health secretary would not say if a ban on smoking in enclosed public places was likely. The aim of the consultation was to gauge people's opinions on such issues, he said.

The consultation document does ask whether TV advertising rules should be changed - although ministers have already ruled out a ban on junk food adverts.

Mr Reid said the NHS had already made important improvements in health, citing a 10% drop in cancer death rates and a fall of more than 23% in heart-related deaths since 1996.

But he added: "I admit there are still worrying problems in preventable conditions like obesity and sexually transmitted infections. And more can be done on smoking.

"These are issues for all of us, not just for the government. We need a big debate about where government responsibility lies and where individuals must play a part in tackling these vital challenges."

The health secretary said the consultation would be the biggest exercise of its kind. "I want everyone to make their voice heard - because everyone's future is at stake."

Dame Yve Buckland, chair of the Health Development Agency, welcomed the consultation. "We need to have an environment that ensures that every person in this country, irrespective of social circumstance, has the opportunity to make healthy lifestyle choices. Capturing views on how to tackle issues like smoking and physical activity will help inform the way forward, alongside the HDA's evidence of what works to improve health."

She added: "Our evidence has also shown that you must engage people fully if you want them to take responsibility for their health, and unless the community is enabled to take action, there will be little impact."

Ministers are also planning a series of events around the country as part of a three-month consultation exercise, which will feed into a public health white paper, expected in the summer.


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