I've been on HRT for a few months but, having read about the risks associated with it, I would like to try a more natural approach instead.
Menopause is a natural transition, not a disease needing drug treatment. For centuries, natural remedies have been taken to ensure the passage is smooth, and to combat heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer. If you exercise regularly, eat wholesome low-fat foods, and take supplements and essential fatty acids, your body is likely to adapt without trouble. Hot flushes, fatigue and mood swings can be gently and safely corrected with hormone-balancing foods and herbs such as fermented soya, chickpeas, lentils, rhubarb, celery, fennel, red clover, agnus castus, liquorice root, dong quai, sarsaparilla, black cohosh and Mexican yam. Try reading Menopause Without Medicine, by Linda Ojeda, or The Wisdom Of Menopause, by Dr Christiane Northrup.
I have been diagnosed with nasal polyps. As there are serious risks with surgery, I am seeking alternative treatment. Any suggestions?
Nasal polyps develop when the mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity are constantly irritated by hay fever or allergic rhinitis. Contributing factors are a lack of zinc and vitamin B6, and sensitivity to aspirin and other salicylates. Alfred Vogel, known as 'the Nature Doctor', recommends soaking a cotton bud in Echinaforce (tincture of echinacea) and painting the inside of the nostrils to combat rhinitis. For nasal polyps, he recommends Marum verum, or cat thyme, which has been successful in reducing polyps. Take 20 drops twice a day orally in a little water. Tincture of Marum verum, £7.49 for 50ml, from Bioforce, 01294 277344.
· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions.
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