Hannah Pool 

The new black

Flicking through a well-known celebrity magazine (no, not that one, the other one), I found an interview with Molly Roncal, described as Beyoncé's personal make-up artist.

Flicking through a well-known celebrity magazine (no, not that one, the other one), I found an interview with Molly Roncal, described as Beyoncé's personal make-up artist.

"She has a love of fine, expensive, opulent products," says Roncal of Ms Knowles's beauty regime, before going on to divulge her penchant for using Z Bigatti night cream "all over her body - right down to her toes".

Now, just how much do you suppose a jar of this stuff costs? Around $300 (for 2oz) according to the feature, or £119 should she nip into Harvey Nichols while on a trip to Blighty. Well, I'm all for a little luxury. I'm also keener than most when it comes to blowing my hard-earned on beauty products. But can a moisturiser ever be worth more than £100? It's a question I get asked a lot, and it's one of the easiest to answer: no moisturiser can ever be worth that much money, not unless it makes you breakfast and takes out the rubbish, too.

Bear in mind that I have no dependants, no savings and a very skewed sense of priorities. And yet even I balk at the thought of spending quite so much on a face cream. In fact, going for a moisturiser because it's the most expensive you can afford is completely back to front. It makes as much sense as splashing out at those posh restaurants that charge £20 for a tiny portion of fish and chips.

No matter what the advertisements claim, shopping for beauty products is not an exact science, and you don't necessarily get what you pay for. More importantly, what works for Beyoncé, or whoever else, might turn your skin into an oily mess - or worse - however much it costs.

I've been there. I've tried several of the moisturisers that retail for serious money, and they ain't all that. Yes, they look great on your dresser, but two of them brought me out in a rash, and another is so damned gunky that I can't even use it as a foot cream. That's not to say expensive products don't have their place, but I'd say a £100 daily moisturiser isn't it.


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