Press Association 

Acne gene find brings hope for sufferers

Scientists have discovered the genetic blueprint of a bug which causes acne that could help find a cure for the condition.

Scientists claim they have discovered the gene of a bug which causes acne which could help find a cure for the condition that causes misery for thousands of teenagers.

They have found that the DNA of the microbe that is believed to play a major role in the cause of acne contains 2,333 genes, many of which can attack and destroy parts of human skin, according to research published yesterday.

The blueprint showed the genes could generate proteins involved in degrading enzymes and substances in the skin, which trigger the inflammation associated with acne.

The microbe is normally harmless and lives in the glands that secrete oil into hair follicles.

The researchers believe that by understanding the genetic blueprint of a bug that causes acne new treatments can be developed.

The skin disorder affects 80% of adolescents, and can develop on the face, chest and back. The severity of cases varies, but the worst cases can be psychologically devastating.

There can be different forms of acne, which can occur at the same time including non-inflamed blackheads and whiteheads, as well as inflammatory red bumps. Picked and scratched spots can leave scars.

The research was led by Holger Bruggemann from Georg-August University in Gottingen, Germany, and was published in the journal Science.


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