I have a pink rash on my upper arms, made up of flattish pink spots with raised white spots that are dry when I pick them. It doesn't itch or hurt. I take multivitamins, minerals and cod-liver oil, which helped a bit, but nothing seems to get rid of it.
This type of rash is an indication that you need essential fatty acids to nourish your skin from the inside. Cod liver oil is a good idea, but mainly gives omega-3 fatty acids. Udo's Choice would be better because it contains omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids. Take milk thistle (silymarin), an excellent liver tonic, to improve absorption. Although food is not causing the problem, it may be aggravating it, so cut out citrus fruit, raspberries, strawberries, hot spices, chillies, red peppers and tomatoes. Also, drink two litres of bottled or filtered water a day to keep the body and skin hydrated.
My 14-year-old daughter has glandular fever. I want to build her up and relieve the tiredness - can you recommend any natural remedies?
Glandular fever is usually due to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which remains in the body for life, so diet and lifestyle are vital to keep symptoms at bay: rest, immune-boosting nutrients, frequent small meals to boost energy levels and low stress will reduce the chances of a protracted illness. Feed her wholefoods, raw food, lean meat and fish, and fruit and vegetable juices, which are easy to digest and full of antioxidant vitamins. Elderberry extract has been shown to block the replication of EBV and boost the immune system: Sambucol For Kids, found in most healthfood shops, has black elderberry liquid extract, propolis, vitamin C and other nutrients.
· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions.
Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.