James Johnson, the chairman of the British Medical Association
"It makes no sense to allow smoking in some pubs - what about the health and lives of employees who work in them? What concerns me is that by not introducing a complete ban, some pubs may find loopholes in the law to allow smoking."
Professor Carol Black, the president of the Royal College of Physicians (RCP)
"This white paper contains many welcome initiatives but is marred by missed opportunities in two key areas . . . it does not go far enough in tackling the two biggest causes of premature death in this country - smoking and alcohol misuse. We are disappointed that it fails to put in place a total ban on smoking in all public places and workplaces, or adequately address the issue of problem drinking.
John Britton, the chairman of the RCP's tobacco advisory group
"The decision to let the 20% of pubs that don't serve food allow smoking is a strange anomaly which needs to be rectified. Although all pubs will in future be supposed to protect their bar staff from smoke, this 20% will continue to expose their staff and customers to the risks of heart disease and cancer. This is a missed opportunity to promote both occupational health and public health."
Dame Helena Shovelton, the chief executive of British Lung Foundation
"We welcome the restrictions . . . but would urge the government to follow Scotland's example and ban smoking in all public places - and that means all public houses and private members clubs. The successful Irish model plus Scotland's brave decision to implement a ban should be an inspiration and shows the way forward for the rest of the UK."
Peter Cardy, the chief executive of Macmillan Cancer Relief
"The best form of treatment for cancer is to prevent it; how many needless and avoidable deaths does this Government believe is acceptable?"
Action on Smoking and Health
"There are no good reasons to exempt some pubs and private clubs [from a smoking ban]. Dr John Reid's last-ditch defence of smoking in pubs and clubs has led to a ridiculous bodge."
Cancer Research UK
"This is a huge missed opportunity. The government has failed in its fundamental duty to protect our citizen's health and safety by opting out of a total ban on smoking in public places. It's like having the legislation to fit all cars with seatbelts because we know seatbelts save lives and then stopping some passengers from wearing them."
Brendan Barber, the general secretary of the TUC
"Banishing smoke from pubs, bars and restaurants serving prepared food is of course welcome, but the proposals will do nothing to protect the health of workers in the pubs and bars where smoking is to continue. Many pub and bar owners will just find ways of getting round the law.
Neera Sharma, the principal policy officer at Barbardos
"We are deeply disappointed that the government has missed this key opportunity in the public health white paper to set new standards to improve the diets of children in school. Mr Reid has committed the government to strongly considering introducing nutrient-based standards in schools. This does not go nearly far enough and we need to see improved nutritional standards now with tough legislation and adequate financial support in schools. The health of our children is too important to wait."
Dr Beverly Malone, the general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN)
"The RCN is delighted to see the government addressing the health needs of children and young people by increasing the numbers of specially trained school nurses. This will play a hugely important role in turning healthcare from a sickness service to a health service."
Professor Peter Kopelman, the chariman of the RCP's nutrition committee
"The messages in the white paper are right but the proof will be in the delivery. Although partnerships are suggested between the food industry, advertisers and the government to develop food labelling and advertising policies, there has already been a significant amount of consultation over these issues - what we need now is action."
Portman Group
"For some time we have argued that increased and well-resourced public education needs to go alongside improving practice in the industry if we are to tackle alcohol misuse for the long-term, so it is good to see that the white paper recognises this."
Professor Ian Gilmore, the RCP registrar and the chairman of the alcohol committee
"We do not feel that the broadcasting watchdog Ofcom's regulations have been strengthened enough and we are surprised that the government continues to talk about pilot interventions when the evidence base already exists for their implementation."
Sexual health
Baroness Joyce Gould, the chairwoman of the Independent Advisory Groups for Sexual Health and HIV
"There has been great concern in this country about sexual health but we now feel the agenda is moving in the right direction. The white paper outlines many positive developments, including a new national campaign and increased sources of information for young people who are still at risk from teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections."
Gill Frances, the deputy chairwoman of the Independent Advisory Group on Teenage Pregnancy
"We are delighted that sexual health, including teenage pregnancy, has been seen as a government priority. We specifically welcome any steps which will further increase young people's access to confidential 'teen-friendly' contraceptive information and services."
Anne Weyman, the chief executive of charity fpa, formerly the Family Planning Association
"It is particularly encouraging that there will be a comprehensive audit of contraceptive services, with further resources committed to improving access to the full range of contraceptive methods. We also welcome the acceleration of the national rollout of the chlamydia screening programme.
Deborah Jack, the chief executive of the National Aids Trust
" We are very disappointed that the specific needs of gay and African communities are largely ignored, and that the particular challenges around HIV, including stigma and discrimination are not addressed."
Mental health
Richard Brook, the chief executive of mental health charity Mind
"Healthy lifestyles are important - that cannot be denied. But we would like to see the government recognise that improving the nation's mental health is an integral part of a much bigger picture."
Annie Kelly