Can anything prevent/heal cracks in the tops of my fingers and thumbs, which are worse in cold weather?
Dr Hauschka Neem Nail Oil Pen and Hand Cream together work wonders (01386 792642, The neem leaf, anthyllis and camomile extract fortify and regenerate the skin, and omega-3 fatty acids nourish and waterproof it from the inside. It may be that your circulation is poor in cold weather. VeinTain, with ginger, cinnamon and ginkgo biloba, warms the whole body and improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to extremities. Take fish oil and VeinTain for three months (Nature's Best, 01892 552117).
I have had bacterium vaginosis, or BV, for 15 years; it started after having a coil removed. I have tried antibiotics, homeopathy, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, kinesiology, essential oils and Betadine douches; none worked.
Ask your GP to test for an exact diagnosis. Vaginal inflammation can be due to BV, candida, hormone imbalance or irritation allergy, and the natural approach is to boost immunity and ensure the vagina has acidic pH with a healthy population of beneficial bacteria. Buy an anti-candida book from a good healthfood shop and follow its advice: avoid sugar, alcohol, refined carbohydrates, yeast and over-ripe or fermented food. Stick to organic wholefoods, with a multivitamin and mineral, and garlic, which is antibacterial and antifungal. Take acidophilus daily and follow a 10-day course of VagiClear probiotic vaginal pessaries (Higher Nature, 0870 066 0808). Avoid sex to prevent re-infection and reduce trauma to the vaginal tissue, and consider having your partner treated.
· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions.
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