James Meikle 

Rise in use of growth antibiotics

Sales of growth-promoting antibiotics in animals raised for food rose by a third in 2003, despite industry promises to cut their use, according to government figures.

Sales of growth-promoting antibiotics in animals raised for food rose by a third in 2003, despite industry promises to cut their use, according to government figures.

Their addition to animal feed and water will be banned across the EU from the end of this year because of fears that the excessive use in agriculture has helped speed bacterial resistance to human medicines.

There has been a government strategy to curb their use since 1999, backed by voluntary initiatives by farmers and food production companies. The medication makes the animals' guts work more efficiently and therefore put on weight more quickly.

Figures from the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, part of the Department for Environment, showed 36 tonnes of growth promoters had been sold in 2003, up from 27 tonnes in 2002.


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