Tim Radford, science editor 

Comedy films leave viewers in good heart, says cardiologist

Laughter may after all be the best medicine. Comedy can make the blood vessels expand, step up the blood flow and leave viewers in good heart, a US heart scientist said yesterday.

Laughter may after all be the best medicine. Comedy can make the blood vessels expand, step up the blood flow and leave viewers in good heart, a US heart scientist said yesterday.

Conversely a stressful film can cause a potentially unhealthy narrowing of the arteries.

Michael Miller, a cardiologist at the University of Maryland medical centre, told heart scientists meeting in Orlando, Florida, that he had shown 20 healthy non-smoking volunteers with an average age of 33 two films within 48 hours.

One was a 1996 MGM comedy called Kingpin, rated PG-13 for its crude, sex-related humour. The other was Steven Spielberg's 1998 Saving Private Ryan, set in the chaos of the D-Day landings in Normandy.

The volunteers watched a 15-minute segment of each film lying down in a temperature controlled room. Grim moments on the battlefield had a bad effect on 14 of the 20 volunteers: their blood flow fell by 35% afterwards.

On the other hand, bawdy comedy in a bowling alley put 19 of the 20 on the road to health: blood flow increased by 22%.

"Given the results, it is conceivable that laughing may be important to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease," Prof Miller said.


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