While pregnancy is a wonderful thing, it can also be a nutritional drain on the mother. One nutrient that pregnancy can leave a woman short on is iron, and I was interested to read a report regarding the impact that this mineral has on the bonding of new mums with their babies. Scientists have discovered that women found to be deficient in iron relate less well and are less sensitive to their babes. Also, the children of iron-deficient mothers were less responsive to their mothers, too.
One way in which iron deficiency may affect mood and behaviour is through its ability to induce anaemia. Iron is critical for the manufacture of haemoglobin - the substance within the red blood cells which ferries oxygen around the system. Iron deficiency can lead to low levels of haemoglobin (anaemia) which is a downer for mood and energy levels, and does nothing to help the interaction of a mother and child.
Although iron deficiency is the most common cause of anaemia, it's not the only cause. This means that if a blood test reveals anaemia, specific testing for iron levels is usually warranted - this is best done by measuring blood levels of 'ferritin'. Ferritin levels are not normally measured unless there is evidence of anaemia. However, iron deficiency can occur in the absence of anaemia, and even in isolation can cause quite debilitating symptoms.
For example, iron participates in the reactions that generate energy production in the body, so a lack of this nutrient commonly manifests as physical and mental fatigue.
Iron also has a role in the normal functioning of the brain chemical dopamine, which plays a crucial role in physical and mental functioning.
Because of iron's critical role in physical and mental health, I believe it makes sense to measure ferritin levels in women around the time of pregnancy, even those who are not anaemic. 'Normal' ferritin levels for women are between 5-150ng/ml (nanograms per ml of blood); ferritin levels need to be above 50ng/ml for optimal functioning.
Good sources of iron for women with low ferritin levels include nuts, seeds, meat, fish and seafood (clams and mussels). However, I generally suggest additional supplementation. I find that liquid iron supplements, such as Floradix (from health food stores) are more effective than the most commonly prescribed form of iron (iron sulphate). Recent research on bonding suggests that iron may well end up gaining a reputation as a bit of a mother and babe magnet.
Dear John
For the past three months I have been getting nasty cold sores on the first day of my period. How can I prevent this?
Fiona E
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Once in the body, the virus can lie dormant, but may reactivate at any time. It may be that the time your period starts represents some form of stress on your immune system, which is allowing the HSV to make its presence felt. The HSV virus needs the amino acid (building block of protein) arginine to multiply in the body.
Arginine is found in high concentration in nuts (peanuts and cashews) and chocolate, so avoid these on the run-up to your period. While arginine encourages growth of the HSV, another amino acid, lysine, inhibits it. Some studies found that taking lysine in supplement form can reduce the frequency and severity of cold sore attacks. Take 1g of lysine per day; increase this to 1g, three times a day, three days before your period, and stay on this dose throughout your period. Also take 1g of vitamin C a day, as this nutrient helps stimulate the immune system and also has some HSV-inhibiting properties.
· If you have any issues you would like Dr Briffa to address in his column, please email him on john.briffa@observer.co.uk. Please note that Dr Briffa cannot enter into any correspondence. You can also visit www.drbriffa.com. Before following any recommendations in this column, you should consult your own medical adviser about any medical problems or special health conditions
Nutrition news
It is well established that where fat is distributed in the body has some influence on its likely effects on health. Fat congregated around the middle of the body - so-called abdominal fat - is known to be particularly associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. In a recent study published in the medical journal Stroke, researchers assessed the relationship between fat distribution and stroke risk in more than 9,000 men.
Not surprisingly, increased weight was found to be associated with increased stroke risk. However, the correlation between excess weight and stroke risk was found to be much stronger for abdominal fat than fat more evenly distributed around the body. Abdominal obesity is often related to a condition known as 'metabolic syndrome', which itself appears to be related to excesses of the hormone insulin in the body.
Foods that help to reduce abdominal fat are those which when consumed tend to give rise to relatively low levels of insulin, such as meat, fish, eggs, green vegetables, nuts, beans and lentils.