Emma Mitchell 

Ask Emma

Natural health therapist Emma Mitchell answers your questions.

I am a woman in my late 50s and suffer from what the doctor calls 'wear and tear' arthritis. Why does rhubarb make it worse; and, if acidity is meant to be a cause of the problem, why is cider vinegar recommended for arthritis?

Arthritis has a range of causes, but lifestyle, diet and chemical or food sensitivities play a major part. The nightshade family (potato, tomato, aubergine and peppers) can cause a reaction. Acid-producing foods such as meat, dairy and refined carbohydrates worsen symptoms, too, and the body needs green foods and vegetable juices, which are alkalising. Rhubarb is high in uric acid. Cherries reduce uric acid levels. A teaspoon of cider vinegar taken first thing in the morning is thought to encourage the body to adjust its pH to become more alkaline.

I am a 55-year-old woman and have haemorrhoids. I have never been overweight - what can I do?

Clinical trials have shown that symptoms can be reduced by cutting out refined foods, by adopting a diet high in fibre, fruits, vegetables, beans and grains, by drinking plenty of water and by exercising. For fibre, psyllium seeds and guar gum are less irritating than wheat bran. Flavonoids found in citrus fruits, berries and cherries strengthen the vein walls and lessen irritation. Ask your GP about taking high doses of vitamin C with bioflavonoids. Also take zinc and the herb butcher's-broom to assist with healing. St John's wort ointment applied several times a day, particularly after bowel movements, reduces swelling and pain.

Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions.

Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com


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