Eeeeeek! The nation is running out of flu jabs - and is panicking. Nearly all the 14.4m doses ordered have been used up already. And it's only November!
I've got a very sore throat and a runny nose. Is it the beginning of the end?
No. Both, along with a cough and sneezing, are symptoms of a common cold. What you need to watch out for, flu-wise, is a combination of the following: fever, headaches, severe aches and pains, fatigue and weakness lasting up to three weeks, and extreme exhaustion.
You can't be too careful. Can I have a jab please?
Assuming you're not working on the front line of the NHS, you will have to be over 65 or have a respiratory, heart or kidney disease or suffer from a chronic condition such as diabetes to get a freebie. Anyway, those most likely to benefit from the vaccine are the elderly, people with damaged immune systems, and the very young. So if you're not one of those, don't worry. But if you don't believe me, a dose will cost upwards of £20 if you buy it privately.
But what if it's too late?
If you're sure you have the flu, there are a number of simple things you can do to help yourself get back to normal. Take paracetamol to treat the high fever and aches and pains. Drink hot, sweet drinks to soothe the sore throat (mum-made honey and lemon comes particularly recommended). Liquids generally are good at warding off potential dehydration caused by a fever. Steer clear of smoky rooms and, most important of all, get some rest.
Can't I have some antibiotics?
No, and anyway, they aren't effective against a virus like the flu. There is no cure for influenza, but some drugs - such as rimantadine, which is used a lot in America - can treat infections caused by influenza type A in adults.
What you want to look out for is the secondary infections which develop as a complication of flu. On average, these kill 12,000 Britons every year. Pneumonia is the main risk - it can lead to death from haemorrhage within the lungs.
And how can I avoid all this in the first place?
Become a hermit. Failing that, wash your hands often and avoid close contact with anyone who may be infected.