For several years I'd considered myself a bit of a fitness addict: I love the psychological rush and feeling of strength in my body. But since getting a slow-to-shake virus in January, I'd put on half a stone, stopped enjoying the gym, was drinking quite a bit and had got into a heavy Green & Black's habit. I was still exercising three times a week, but I was sluggish and really, really bored.
I wanted to lose the 7lb, and celebrity personal trainer Jamie Baird was convinced I could do that and get back my enthusiasm for fitness in a fortnight. I thought that unlikely, but his cheery, Ian Wright-style optimism was hard to resist.
The rules for the fortnight were: no alcohol, carbs or Green & Black's. (Not even a small square of 70% - this was "cold turkey".) Always eat off a plate and at a table; always leave food on my plate. And do a lot of fat-burning cardio - at a fairly low heart rate (150-160 for me), but for a long time.
Surprisingly for a trainer, Jamie said food was more important than exercise: if you decrease food intake, you'll lose weight; if you combine that with exercise, you'll lose more; but if you only exercise, you probably won't lose any weight at all. Jamie suspected my new dislike of the gym had more to do with feeling unhappy about putting on weight than going off exercise itself.
He said his aim was to get into my mind, rather than to work me hard three times a week: the key was the time I wasn't with him. That said, my sessions with Jamie were great: a combination of cardio machines, boxing, free and fixed weights, and lots of core stability gadgetry.
And it turns out that Jamie was right. Giving up alcohol is amazing: within a week I looked as if I'd had a face-lift. Slow, fat-burning cardio is easy and enjoyable. I've joined a different gym with a wider variety of classes to keep up my interest, and already I feel fitter and sleeker.
Still, I did find it hard to stick to. The second week I had a few glasses of wine, and a chocolate dessert. This, according to Jamie, is why I didn't get off the full half-stone: I lost 5lb in two weeks (and 4% off body fat). But it feels fun again, and I'm on my way.
Did it work? Just about.
Would you do it again? Absolutely - I was amazed you can get results so quickly.
Is it worth the money? For a short blast.
What did you learn? Food matters more than exercise.
· Jamie Baird at the Sanderson Hotel, Berners St, London W1, £75 a session, 07970 782476,
Out of the blocks
My first meeting with Andrea Russu was not what I expected. We talked little of my weight or the way he works, and mostly about why I'd come to him - and why my past attempts to get fit had failed. He was clearly looking for commitment: he gets very involved in his clients' lives and will look to control their diet and sleep patterns as well as their exercise regime. And, as I found, he calls twice a day to see how you're doing, offer encouragement and talk about the work he has set you for that evening.
I told him I wanted to be fit, partly to lose weight, but mostly because I hate being out of breath when climbing stairs at work or running for a bus. Losing weight has not been a problem in the past. I find it quite easy to stick to a harsh diet, and the weight falls off - but in the end I always go back to eating what I ate before and the weight surges back. I was looking for a long-term solution, to get fit - and to do so quickly.
The second session, like all the others, took place at my flat. After completing a shaming food diary for the previous week (at least two takeaways and three not-so-healthy meals out), we went through my fridge and food cupboard, binning the bad (white pasta, ready-made sauces, etc) and keeping the good (fresh veg and fruit).
Next came a "light 20-minute warm-up". Excellent, I thought. (I'd been in my shorts and sparkling new trainers an hour before he arrived.)
But two minutes later I was fighting back the pounding in my head and the urgent need to vomit. Apparently, I was really quite unfit.
Throughout the fortnight, I met Andrea (or his postural specialist, Jonathan), every day at 6am and worked out for an hour. This involved a constant circuit of training, working first one muscle group, then moving on to a different set to give the other a chance to rest. It was exhausting, but by the fourth session I had lost the nausea and was really enjoying the exercise. In addition, Jonathan gave me a set of stretches to complete each evening and I was expected to go for a daily 20-minute run.
The hardest part of trying to get fit was the beginning. Having a personal trainer made all the difference: he made sure I worked hard and, most important, forced me through that first stage, when it was so unenjoyable I would normally have given up.
Did it work? Yes, I found I wanted to exercise. The smug feeling after getting in from a run is priceless and the 7lb lost in 14 days can't hurt, either.
Would you do it again? Definitely.
Is it worth the money? Training daily is a little steep but the instructor will ensure you get as much as you can for your money.
What did you learn? It didn't take much to begin to feel great.
· Andrea Russu Personal Training, from £70 a session, 020-8811 8009,