A Somali woman buys her groceries from a stall run by a Bengali man in the shadow of Norman Foster's "Gherkin" tower. Like centuries of immigrants before them, both have made their home in the East End of London, where extreme poverty rubs up against the growing island of affluence spreading out from Canary Wharf.
Across the street in the Royal London hospital, staff witness how inequality, overcrowding and poor nutrition manifests in high levels of diabetes, tuberculosis rates which are eight times the national average, chronic illness in middle age and soaring levels of smoking-related diseases.
Into this cultural, social and racial mix an aid agency known for its work in sub-Saharan Africa, south-east Asia and the world's conflict zones arrives next month to open its first clinic in Britain. Staffed by volunteer doctors and nurses, some drawn from the overstretched hospitals and GP practices of the East End, the Médecins du Monde health clinic aims to reach the hidden and vulnerable communities of east London; refugees, immigrants, sex workers, many of whom live six to a room in overcrowded tower blocks, have no doctor and are cut off by the language barrier.
But the arrival of Médecins du Monde in Tower Hamlets, and with it the unwelcome analogies between east London and the developing countries, have been greeted with anger and consternation by some within the community the agency says it wants to help. The charity has been asked to redraw its plans to provide healthcare for families and individuals who are isolated by language difficulties, lack of education and the ignorance of the newcomer. There are still concerns that its presence will detract from work already being done to reach out to the poorest and most deprived.
George Leahy, the director of public health in the borough, has had several months of intense discussions with Médecins du Monde after it first came to him with the idea of setting up a mobile clinic. "I was surprised that they felt there was the need to come," he said. "I was worried about their ambitions. It came across as if they were coming in to replace the primary healthcare system here, one that we are improving and developing.
"The health needs here are the same as the rest of the country: heart disease and cancer are the two biggest killers. We have extremely high rates of diabetes and higher rates of TB, which is a disease of poverty.
"All these things need to be treated within the healthcare system. We tried to emphasise to them, and hope they understand now, that it is all about getting people into the mainstream service. If they limit themselves to providing another access point into that, that is no bad thing."
Despite Mr Leahy's concerns, the licence granted to Médecins du Monde by the Healthcare Commission allows it to treat and prescribe to patients. Although the charity is making no comment before the January 16 launch of its clinic, its website states that it will provide medical care to patients using a mobile team of doctors, nurses and support workers who have volunteered from within the community and have been trained by the aid agency.
Elizabeth Bayliss, the director of Social Action for Health in Tower Hamlets, is critical of the charity's intentions. "I think it is tokenism," she said, adding that work was already being done to reach out to isolated communities. "Médecins du Monde is doing a sterling job in the third world but I think it should stay there. I am not employed by the NHS, I have no need to stand up for it, but the fact is that the NHS is really trying here to reach out to the most extreme communities."
Half a mile from her office in Whitechapel, members of one of the most isolated communities in east London lie on cushions in a room hidden beneath the Shakil mini market. The Somalian men chew deliberately on khat leaves for hours, getting high and sipping tea. Abdi Mohammed, a Somali-speaking health guide from Social Action for Health, regularly visits these khat rooms hidden in the bowels of shops and cafes in east London to try to impress upon the men the need to register with doctors, get treatment for illnesses like diabetes and TB, and consider how the drug is affecting their lives and that of their wives and children. "The khat increases the exclusion," he said. "It means the men are not working, it increases family breakdown and contributes to poverty. But it is a very sensitive issue. It is like someone who is addicted to heroin, he admits the problem is there but is not going to get out of it."
Khat is just one issue affecting the area's diverse communities. Overcrowding and poverty contribute to the high level of TB which has led Tower Hamlets primary healthcare trust to introduce infant TB vaccination in an attempt to halt the spread of the disease. Although cancer and heart disease are the biggest killers nationally, in Tower Hamlets they affect people in their 40s and 50s, a much younger age than the national average.
In the context of the huge demands on the health system in the fifth most densely populated borough in England and Wales, many believe that Médecins du Monde can only help in reaching people who are cut off from access to healthcare.
Abdi Hassan, a drug worker and health guide who was brought up in east London, said: "When my friends from north London come here they say to me, 'God, it's like the third world.' In many ways it is. There are a lot of communities here not getting the support that they need and that has to change."
Best known for providing emergency medical assistance in developing countries, Médecins du Monde was formed in 1980 by 15 doctors who broke away from Médecins sans Frontières while assisting the boat people fleeing Vietnam via the South China Sea. An international humanitarian aid organisation, it recruits medical and non-medical volunteers, who provide healthcare for vulnerable populations around the world in emergency situations and their aftermath. Under the direction of its first president, Bernard Kouchner, later France's minister of health, MDM campaigned against the activities of anti-guerrilla death squads in El Salvador in 1981 and later led the international protests against the Serbian detention camps and ethnic cleansing both in the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda. Médecins du Monde's international network encompasses 12 delegations, four representative bureaus, 7,000 members, 5,500 volunteers working in its offices, 1,200 volunteers in the field, and 366 paid staff. MDM says its long-term objective is to "make health a human right".