When I go out at this time of year, my fingers become painfully numb, red and then bluish. Why is this?
This sounds like Raynaud's disease, in which the arteries in the fingers or toes contract and circulation is impeded. It is usually triggered by the cold, a change in temperature or stress. Check with your GP whether there is a more serious underlying condition, and ask for a blood test to check your iron levels. Supplement, if necessary, or eat iron-rich foods such as lean meat, fish and green vegetables. Nicotine makes blood vessels contract, so don't smoke.
Raynaud's can also be an indication of low essential fatty acids and too much saturated fat, so avoid fatty meat, margarine and dairy products, and take evening primrose, flax and fish oils. Vitamin E, which improves circulation, is found in avocado, nuts, seeds, wheatgerm, peppers, tomatoes and olive oil; vitamin C is crucial to the synthesis of collagen, which strengthens the blood vessel walls- take 1-3g a day with bioflavonoids and eat lots of berries, cherries and kiwi.
Take a good multimineral and a B complex, too. Take regular exercise, and swing your arms to encourage circulation to the extremities. The essential oils marjoram, black pepper, lavender and rosemary stimulate circulation and are analgesic: add four drops of each to 50ml of base hand cream and use daily. Also visit raynauds.org.uk, which is an excellent website about the disease.
I'm pregnant for the first time, and am so stressed out and exhausted. What can I do?
I found pregnancy yoga, reflexology, massage and hypnotherapy very energising and calming during my four pregnancies, but make sure you do a specific pregnancy class and tell any practitioner that you are pregnant. If it's a relaxing treatment you're after, a flotation tank works wonders: the salty water gives total support to, and puts no pressure on, your body, and the resulting womb-like, weightless feeling gives your senses a nourishing holiday. Your mind can then switch to 'theta' brain activity, which usually occurs only during sleep, hypnosis or meditation.
Afterwards, you feel rested and energised, with a more balanced perspective on life. Go to floatopia.co.uk for details; for your nearest centre, go to floatationtankassociation.net.
· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.