The following apology was printed in the Observer's For the record column, Sunday January 8 2006
An incorrect percentage was introduced at the editing stage in the story below. We said that if baby Hope's growth 'had been properly measured, hospital staff would have discovered she was on the 7th centile [the smallest 30 per cent of babies] rather than the tenth centile'. The 7th centile refers to a child among the smallest 7 per cent of babies, not 30 per cent. Hope was smaller than anticipated and, therefore, at potentially greater risk, not, as we implied, bigger than anticipated. Our apologies to the author.
My first daughter, Hope, was born dying. Her heartbeat was so slow that if you had tapped it out on a table it would have sounded like a funeral march - one beat every three seconds. Hospital staff spent 23 minutes trying to resuscitate her: 23 minutes in which I thought I was about to meet my new daughter until the devastating truth hit me like a thump in the chest. Four years on, it can still feel like that.
The weeks and months after Hope's death were a rollercoaster of shock and despair. There was one question keeping us from grief-exhausted sleep: Why?
When we went back for the results of the postmortem nine weeks later, we were told that, at 4lb 4oz, she was among the smallest babies - the lowest 10 per cent - for the length of my pregnancy, which was 35 weeks. Other than that, there was nothing wrong with her. The findings were, the pathologist said, 'entirely consistent with the picture we commonly see in unexplained stillbirth'. By implication, her death was unavoidable.
Having no answers for such a life-changing loss was bewildering. It feels even more so, now that research recently published in the British Medical Journal suggests that Hope's death was avoidable. Indeed, her size should have rung alarm bells that could have saved her life.
Multiple pregnancies and mothers who are diabetic, obese or smokers are known to be at greater risk of stillbirth. I didn't fall into any of these categories. I did, however, fall into one high-risk category of which I was never made aware. Hope's small size made her five times more likely to be stillborn.
Ten babies are stillborn in Britain every day. Two-thirds of stillbirths are, like Hope's, still officially described as 'unexplained'.
Professor Jason Gardosi, director of the Perinatal Institute in Birmingham and lead author of the BMJ report, wants a new system for classifying stillbirth called ReCoDe. This highlights the fact that many stillborn babies fail to reach their growth potential in the womb. Instead of looking only at specific causes of death, such as congenital abnormality, which is what the current classification system does, ReCoDe aims to pick up the 'relevant conditions at time of death' as well.
The single most frequent problem for a stillborn baby is that it has failed to grow in the womb. Of the 70 per cent of stillbirths now described as 'unexplained', more than half are babies who, like Hope, are below the tenth percentile.
'The majority of those babies didn't reach their growth potential,' says Gardosi. 'The danger is that "unexplained" becomes synonymous with unavoidable, leading to the complacent assumption that we can't do anything about it. We may not know the underlying cause of the growth problem, but it is still highly relevant. Many are quite mature babies who, if delivered earlier in good condition, would have an extremely good chance of survival.'
The relationship between what clinicians call 'foetal growth restriction' and stillbirth has been known for a long time. The Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CeMach) reported that of the 400 stillbirths it reviewed between 1996 and 1997, as many as 45 per cent were associated with sub-optimal care, including failure to detect foetal growth restriction. But until now, there's been no national strategy to reduce stillbirths.
In the past month, however, CeMach has asked the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to make recommendations on the reclassification of stillbirth. Gardosi, who will be helping with this initiative, thinks it's overdue.
'The current classification system has more or less paralysed progress on this issue,' he said. 'A new classification could effect profound changes not just in research, but also in everyday antenatal care. Today, we are only picking up on a quarter of babies who are growth restricted, and we have to do much better than that.'
Gardosi's institute is in the Black Country, which has the highest perinatal mortality rate (babies who die from 24 weeks gestation up to the first week of life) in the country.
Next month a team at the institute will help launch an initiative in the area aimed at reducing the number of unexplained stillbirths in five years by 30 per cent - about 50 babies a year. Deaths following foetal growth restriction will be a priority because these are potentially the most avoidable.
Hope was not a typical stillbirth because she was born by 'crash Caesarian', as the result of an ovarian complication. Most stillbirths happen at home. The mother notices the baby is not moving and she goes into hospital, hoping to be reassured by the midwives. She may have been expecting to give birth at any minute, as many stillbirths happen fairly late in pregnancy. As hospital staff struggle to find a heartbeat, there is a devastating realisation that the baby has died.
Health services are failing to pick up on these babies because antenatal care often does not include accurate and regular monitoring of the growth of the baby. When I was pregnant with Hope, I received ultrasound scans at 12 and 20 weeks, and between visits to the midwives I don't recall ever seeing the same midwife twice - I saw a GP. No record was ever made of Hope's projected growth pattern. When I was 32 weeks, midwives felt my tummy and said I was about right for 32 weeks, although I did look a bit small.
'The majority of small babies do well,' says Gardosi. 'The challenge is to identify which pregnancies require increased monitoring and investigation, so that we can distinguish between those who need to be delivered early and those, the vast majority, where the mother can be reassured all is well.'
Working out if I was a 'normal' pregnancy or not, however, wouldn't have required hi-tech intervention; it could have started with something as basic as a tape measure.
The institute has developed simple tools aimed at working out who is at risk of growth problems. The first step is to standardise the measurement of fundal height - the distance between the pubic bone and the top of the uterus - which helps give an estimate of the baby's size,
'Most midwives have been told to do it, but not formally taught how,' says Kate Morse, a specialist midwife at the institute who trains colleagues around the country.
'We've standardised the measurement and are saying you have to do it every time you see the woman and plot it so you can see a pattern of growth. Then you know whether the growth is normal for that baby.'
The institute has also recognised that one size does not fit all. A small Asian mother is not likely to have the same size baby as a larger white woman, for instance.
It has produced customised growth charts that take into account the mother's height, weight and ethnicity, and whether this is a first pregnancy. The charts are now recommended in the college guidelines and already used in almost 70 maternity units nationally.
Even if a baby is small, if it's continuing to grow, then it's probably fine, says Gardosi. 'It's when there is a slowing of growth that there's cause for concern.'
Professor Jim Dornan, the college vice-president, has spent much of his life highlighting foetal growth restriction. He is chairing the new committee at the college looking at reclassifying stillbirth.
'The challenge is to improve methods to detect the high-risk baby in the low-risk mother. Once we identify a pregnancy as high-risk, we rarely lose the baby.'
When I went into premature labour at nearly 35 weeks, staff assumed I was going into normal labour. But if they had plotted Hope's growth on a customised chart, her weight would have been closer to the seventh percentile (the smallest 30 per cent of babies) than the tenth. As a growth-restricted baby, she would have had less reserve and ability to withstand the stress of labour than a normal-sized baby.
For two days the labour didn't progress. A doctor wrote in my notes: 'Size not serious concern. Can go home.' Hope died the next day. I realise that even with improved antenatal care, Hope might have died. But at least there would not now be so many 'what ifs'.
'Of course reclassification alone is not going to stop one stillbirth associated with intra-uterine growth restriction,' says Dornan. 'However, it will redirect research and audit so that as well as the great research being done into the causes of stillbirth, research will be encouraged to improve our identification of these babies antenatally.'
A new system would be welcomed by the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society, which hears of such deaths daily via its helpline. Having begun to support bereaved parents 30 years ago, it now also promotes research.
'We want to make the reduction of avoidable deaths a national priority,' says Neal Long, its director. 'Given the very strong link between stillbirth and poor growth of babies in the womb, we strongly urge antenatal units across the UK to review current systems for monitoring babies' growth. With stillbirth rates rising, there is no time for complacency.'
Cots deaths have fallen 70 per cent in the past 20 years, largely thanks to the 'Back to Sleep' campaign, which encourages parents to put babies to sleep on their backs.
'Back to Sleep' was not subjected to a strict scientific trial, but adopted as good practice. 'There are 10 times more stillbirths than babies who die of sudden infant death syndrome [cot death]. The issue of unexplained stillbirths deserves just as much attention,' says Gardosi.
While changing national health policy is no easy task, as a bereaved parent it's hard not to feel that in the competition for headlines and resources, the unborn baby is easily forgotten.
Stillbirth: the facts
A stillbirth is now defined as any baby born with no signs of life after 24 weeks of pregnancy.
If there are no signs of life before 24 weeks, this is known as miscarriage.
The number of stillbirths has fallen steadily during the past 60 years in which figures have been recorded, but more than 3,500 babies are stillborn in the UK each year - 10 per day.
Two-thirds of stillbirths are officially described as 'unexplained'.
There are 10 times more stillbirths than deaths as a result of sudden infant death syndrome.
Read on ...
The Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society, which helps bereaved parents
Tommy's Campaign, which funds research into the causes of stillbirth
American not-for-profit group providing information