I have an enlarged prostate gland and suffer from a persistent urinary infection. Herbal buchu seemed to work for a while, but no longer. What else can I try?
An enlarged prostate gland, or benign prostatic hyperplasia/hypertrophy (BPH), affects 50% of men over 55, and hormone changes associated with ageing are thought to be responsible. Herbal treatments are more popular than drug therapy in much of Europe, and their efficacy has been documented in several trials. The full benefit is experienced only after two or three months of taking the herbs.
Most researched is saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) which helps by altering hormone levels. Cernilton (extract of flower pollen) has been found to reduce night-time incontinence. Pygeum africanum, from the bark of an African evergreen tree, reduces symptoms of BPH while also treating urinary infections. And stinging nettle (urtica dioica) seems to enhance the action of saw palmetto.
Dietary factors are important here, too: BPH has been linked to a deficiency of zinc and essential fatty acids, so supplement these and snack on unroasted sunflower and pumpkin seeds, high in these nutrients. Vegetarian protein, particularly soya, contains substances that are beneficial. Pesticides, animal fat, alcohol (especially beer), some cold and allergy drugs, stress and bicycle riding are all know to be aggravating factors.
Buchu is used to treat urinary infections but on its own would not suffice in the long term. Unsweetened cranberry juice or cranberry tablets protect the bladder wall from infective organisms; avoid sugar and alcohol, and drink lots of pure water to flush out and dilute the urine. Treating the BPH with the above-mentioned herbs and supplements should reduce susceptibility to urine infections.
Herbal treatment should be undertaken in conjunction with advice from an experienced herbal practitioner; contact the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, 01392 426022.
Most prostate problems are due to BPH; however, if you have problems passing urine, blood in the urine, swelling or pain in the testicles or unintentional weight loss, please see your doctor. It could be something more serious.
· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.