Amelia Hill 

The A to Z recipe for a healthy life

With many popular detox diets debunked in a major report last week, Amelia Hill unravels the truth about the essential foods, drinks and exercises that could help you to achieve a new you in the new year.

A is for aloe vera
Drink lots, diluted in water and other everyday drinks. The juice from the plant prevents build-up of fat in the liver and arteries, thereby helping food low in fibre to move more quickly through the digestive system and preventing toxins from being reabsorbed into the body. In addition, amino acids methionine, serine and threonine - all components of aloe vera - are powerful detoxifiers that target the build-up of heavy metals and kickstart the proper metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein.

B is for blueberries
One of the few nutritional secrets agreed on by scientists and alternative health experts alike is that this blue fruit is unchallenged in its detoxing brilliance. Similar - but superior - to other dark-skinned berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and red and black grapes, blueberries contain high levels of bioflavinoids, which can help to fight the damage caused by an overindulgence in processed foods and alcohol, and lack of sleep.

C is for caffeine
No evidence has been found to link moderate caffeine intake to any health risk, but it does trigger the production of adrenalin, the 'fight or flight' hormone, making our hearts beat faster and blood pressure rise.

However, Ozzy Osbourne's son, Jack, credits coffee enemas for his 60lb weight loss, although he doesn't claim it was pleasant. 'It was one of the most miserable experiences of my life,' he said. 'I had a tube up my arse twice a day and five litres of coffee were poured in. It wasn't painful, but the pressure was uncomfortable.'

D is for dandelion
When they have been plucked from your local park, they will have absorbed harmful chemicals, but when grown in more salubrious environs the mildly laxative minerals in the leaves can strengthen the liver, purify the blood and ease constipation.

E is for essential fatty acids
All fats have the same number of calories (nine per gram), but healthy oils and fats are natural cleansers, helping your body to eliminate fat-soluble toxins. EFAs (essential fatty acids) are found naturally in some plants and fish, and are essential for boosting immunity and speeding up metabolism. Eat all the time.

F is for feet
With their 2,000-plus pores, the feet are claimed by some alternative health experts as the source of a successful detox. Footpads, made from tree and bamboo extracts, claim to use ancient Japanese techniques to absorb toxins through perspiration and have been fêted by the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow. But Catherine Collins, chief dietician at St George's Hospital in London, said: 'Our bodies do cleanse themselves overnight, but this is nothing to do with wearing patches. It is caused by the normal metabolic breakdown of the food and water we have consumed before going to bed - and sweating.'

G is for globe artichokes
This edible thistle has been used since Roman times to aid the liver and alleviate digestive disorders, which is important because pollutant chemicals affect both systems. Artichokes are rich in vitamin A and potassium and help to regulate blood sugars, although they can also increase the flow of bile into the digestive tract.

H is for hawthorn
This contains a key cardiovascular-supporting bioflavinoid called rutin, which strengthens the blood vessels and acts as an anti-oxidant. Taking the extract of the plant in a tea or dietary supplement, hawthorn can mop up free radicals that are the result of normal metabolism, as well as other toxins that are ingested through living in a polluted environment.

I is for instant results
The short, sharp shock approach to detox, such as Gillian McKeith's 24-hour detox programme and Carol Vorderman's 28-Day Detox Diet, claims to rid the body of toxin build-up but is questioned by the professionals - and by Davina McCall, who lambasted quick-fix detoxing in Grazia last week: 'I would never diet or detox; those are just fads and no one in their right mind can keep to the regimes. What there is instead is old-fashioned hard work, including weight training, and straightforward, sensible eating.'

J is for juicing
Fresh juices are the quickest, most effective way of providing the body with all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes essential for good health. 'Using raw vegetables will enable you to absorb large quantities of nutrients and will also flush out the toxins,' says Dr Nish Joshi, dieting guru to Cate Blanchett and Gwyneth Paltrow. He warns, however, that mixing fruit and vegetables in the same juice produces a less powerful effect.

K is for kale
Kale leaves provide more nutritional value for fewer calories than almost any other food. Scientists have found that sulforaphane, formed when kale is chopped or chewed, triggers the production of detoxifying enzymes that help neutralise potentially carcinogenic substances

L is for liquorice
Liquorice has been used since ancient times as both a food and a medicine: Chinese herbal formulas nearly all contain the herb. It is one of the most biologically active foods known, boasting numerous health benefits that affect the immune, circulatory, renal, respiratory and endocrine systems.

M is for milk thistle
Also known as Marian Thistle or St Mary's Thistle, it has a long history of use in folk medicine as a liver tonic. Silybin, a component of milk thistle, protects the liver from environmental toxins and also stimulates super-oxide dismutase (SOD) activity.

N is for nettle tea
The secret power of the stinging plant is that, when brewed, its minerals and essential fatty acids are released to purify the blood, boost immunity and alleviate water retention and kidney problems.

O is for onions
Onions, like garlic, are rich in powerful sulphur-containing compounds famed for their health-boosting properties. Onions are also rich in chromium and vitamin C, and are renowned for lowering blood-sugar effects and their anti-bacterial activity.

P is for pomegranate
The new fruit of choice for the discerning health-conscious. One fruit provides 40 per cent of an adult's daily vitamin C requirement and is a rich source of antioxidants. Long used in Iranian and Indian cooking, pomegranate juice only began to be widely marketed in the UK late last year when celebrities including Sienna Millar took to clasping bottles of the stuff in public places.

Q is for quinoa
Technically neither a grain nor a cereal, quinoa (pronounced 'keen-wa') is an unusually complete foodstuff and one of the few to have been classified as a 'supercrop' by the UN. Not only does it have an astonishingly high protein, but unlike wheat or rice it contains a full complement of essential amino acids.

R is for rice milk
Fortified rice milk contains as much calcium and vitamins as cow's milk, but is lighter and contains less fat than soya milk. Its main health benefit comes from the fibre contained in brown rice, which helps to reduce cholesterol levels and keeps blood-sugar levels constant.

S is for spirulina
A genus of filamentous cyanobacteria, pirulina is a rich source of nutrition, taken as a dietary supplement in the form of powder, tablet or juice. It contains up to 70 per cent protein, vitamins A and C, and is a powerful cleanser and energy booster.

T is for tap water
If you haven't drunk a glass of water in the past hour, do so now: by topping up your levels, you can purge your digestive system of the poisons of over-indulgence. Filtered water is so powerful a detoxer that it is just as effective as doing a detox diet.

U is for unwind
Stress robs the nervous system of energy, hampering its ability to oversee the elimination of toxins. Try yoga, acupuncture, a daily walk, a regular massage or a reflexology session to help reduce your stress load.

V is for vitamin C
This is the primary water-soluble anti-oxidant, disarming free radicals and preventing damage to cells, especially in the digestive system. A good intake is associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer.

W is for wheatgrass
The juice of this plant, which is up to 70 per cent chlorophyll, is said to heal tissues, help purify the liver and improve blood sugar levels and help flush out toxins. Supporters include film-maker Peter Jackson, who says he thinks of the juice as 'a salad in a cup'.

X is for xsula
This new supplement is hugely popular in the United States. It detoxifies the system and then is said to increase energy levels, memory and immune levels through its list of natural ingredients from 150 plants.

Y is for yoghurt drinks
Probiotics are supplements of friendly bacteria that work on harmful bacteria in the intestine. The bacteria provide a constant in-house detoxification service and also lower the risk of colon cancer. Two of the best-known names are the yoghurt drink Yakult and Multibionta.

Z is for zinc
Zinc is believed to promote a strong immune system by revitalising the thymus gland and its production of white blood cells. It also repairs the skin's top layer by helping to process essential fatty oils that encourage healing, making it a valuable aid in treating ulcers and other digestive tract problems.


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