Sam Murphy 

Warm front

Shorts: Sloping off | On the map | Work out in style

Gym-goers can be divided into two types: those who swear by a decent warm-up and those who think warm-ups are a waste of time. According to new research, however, those who prefer to launch straight into their workout could be doing themselves a disservice. Researchers reporting in the journal Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise found that a 12-minute, low-intensity warm-up significantly improved cyclists' performance and power output. Other research suggests that only 3% of golfers do anything like an adequate warm-up. Time to get in the swing, guys.

Sloping off

Skiing is 50% skill and 50% posing. If you are hitting the slopes this season, equip yourself with a pair of Elevation convertible ski glasses/goggles, so you'll at least look the part. Use the strap for goggles when you're burning down the black run (or snow-ploughing the nursery slope, in my case), and then the arms when you are enjoying a glühwein on the terrace, explaining to anyone who will listen that it's your new skis that are holding you back. Anti-fog lens, ClimaCool ventilation, peripheral vision and even a spare pair of lenses come as standard - the frames also take optical inserts if you normally wear glasses or contact lenses. Elevation ClimaCool, £128, from Adidas Eyewear; 020-8889 9997 for stockists (

On the map

I love the new OS Select service from Ordnance Survey - simply type in your postcode, choose your preferred scale (1:25,000 or 1:50,000) and order yourself a highly detailed map of your chosen area. It's perfect for runners, cyclists and walkers. You can select your own name for the map and have it delivered folded or rolled, all for £16.99. Go to, and click on OS Select to order.

Work out in style

Another year, another combo workout. Or so you might think ... but the new Chillates DVD has quite a few plus points. For a start, the soundtrack doesn't sound like Muzak - it comes courtesy of Ministry of Sound, and the production values are pretty stylish. What's more, the workout is decent, clearly presented and fairly challenging. Despite its name, Chillates draws just as heavily on yoga and ballet as it does on Pilates (makes you wonder why they didn't go the whole hog and call it Ballates). This isn't one for new year newcomers to exercise, however, because there is no explanation of what a sun salutation is before you launch into one, and few novices will know how to 'engage their glutes', or even where the blighters are. Chillates DVD, £19.99, widely available.


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