My three-year-old son started getting eczema last year. It was originally confined to the back of his legs and elbows, but has recently spread to his torso and now his face. The eczema is very painful - it is raw, cracked and sometimes bleeds. I am worried by the amount of cortisone cream I'm using, as we only have a few days' grace before it comes back again and I have to apply more. I keep his nails short, moisturise his skin, use special bath emollient and try to make sure the house isn't too hot at night, but nothing makes a difference. My doctor has suggested wet bandages, but that won't solve the problem on his face. I feel that my GP is very traditional, and isn't looking at all the available alternatives. Can you help?
The Homeopath
Dr Peter Fisher
Childhood eczema often responds well to homeopathy. In homeopathy we treat the person as a whole, so as well as finding out what kind of eczema it is (what triggers it, how it looks), I'd want to know what sort of child he is psychologically (extrovert, shy?) and physically (overheats, dislikes cold?). It's best to see a qualified practitioner (British Homeopathic Association, 0870 444 3950), but some high-street homeopathic medicines may help. Try sulphur 6c if your child has very itchy eczema that doesn't show itself in the joints. This sort of child will be strong-willed and untidy, physically hot and perhaps suffer from asthma or hay fever. For eczema in the skin folds (ears and neck), which cracks and oozes, try graphites (such children are often shy and passive). Petroleum (in pill form) is good for children whose symptoms are worse in winter, and for whom Vaseline works as well as steroid creams. These remedies should also help his face.
· Dr Peter Fisher is clinical director at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital
The Dermatologist
Andrew Wright
Many factors can play a part in childhood eczema - dry skin, allergens, food intolerances, asthma - so a multifaceted approach often works best. If house-dust mites are a trigger, avoid feather bedding and wash your child's duvet and pillows every few weeks. Vacuum his mattress regularly, and minimise the clutter in his bedroom to keep things clean. A laminate floor and wipeable blinds rather than curtains may help, too. Encourage him to play at a table rather than on the floor. Steroids help the itching, but a good alternative for this age group is a non-steroid anti-inflammatory agent. These are thought by most to be safer than topical steroids, but as they are relatively new we don't know the long-term implications. Wet bandages are worth trying. One patch of eczema winds up another patch, so if the wet bandages work on the body, they may help the face. If the condition doesn't improve, ask your GP to refer you to a dermatologist.
· Andrew Wright is a consultant dermatologist at St Luke's Hospital, Bradford
The Nutritionist
Dr John Briffa
My experience in practice is that eczema in children is almost always related to food sensitivity. Common culprits include dairy products, such as cow's milk, cheese and yogurt. First, I recommend you eliminate these foods from your son's diet. You should get a good idea whether this is helping within a week or two. If you see a distinct improvement, you might like to try him on dairy products based on goat's milk, as these are generally better tolerated. If this approach does not help, seek the advice of a practitioner, such as a nutritionist, who may identify the specific food or foods that may be at the root of your son's condition. In addition, I would give him 1 tablespoon of hemp seed oil each day (add this to a soup or casserole after cooking). This contains healthy fats such as alpha-linolenic acid and gamma-linolenic acid that help to reduce inflammation and dryness in the skin and are often effective in combating eczema in the long term.
· Dr John Briffa is a holistic doctor specialising in nutritional medicine;
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