My son, who is nine, has problems getting to sleep at night. He often doesn't fall asleep until 11pm. We have a good routine of bath and a bedtime story but, despite this, fresh air, exercise and a busy day at school, sleep still eludes him.
Lettuce Remedy from the Master Children's range (Flowersense, 020-8567 9412; is good for children who are prone to restlessness at night. It calms and steadies the mind and restores natural sleep rhythm and balance. PlayFair Multivitamin by Lamberts includes natural relaxants calcium and magnesium. Give calming foods at tea time - turkey, tuna, lettuce, milk, yogurt, peanut butter, seeds, pasta, brown rice, celery, oily fish and camomile tea. Avoid foods containing the brain stimulant tyramine (Marmite, cheese, bacon, sausages, potato, tomato, chocolate and sugar).
I normally have sore breasts for a few days of my menstrual cycle, but recently this has extended to about two of the four weeks. I am doing all the normal things - reducing caffeine, salt etc. What else can I do?
As with all PMS symptoms, improved diet, regular exercise and reduction of stress will help. Salt encourages fluid to enter the tissues so continue to avoid it (remember that processed foods contain a lot of salt). Drink plenty of water, because a dehydrated body will retain fluids. Many women with breast tenderness find that symptoms disappear only when they eliminate all caffeine - methylxanthines in caffeine, which have been proved to cause breast tenderness, can be found in decaffeinated coffee, headache tablets and green tea as well as black tea, coffee, chocolate and cola. Vitamin B6 and magnesium help PMS. Vitamin E and the essential fat GLA (found in evening primrose oil, borage or starflower oil) help reduce breast tenderness. Water retention takes place when fluid leaks from small blood capillaries into the surrounding tissues. Anthocyanidins - flavonoids that give berries their rich pigments - strengthen and repair leaky capillaries by preserving the collagen that comprises their structure. Colladeen by Lamberts is made up of two of the richest sources of anthocyanidins from extracts of grapeseed and bilberry. Lamberts Healthcare helpline, 01892 554314.
· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: