Matthew Robinson 

Week nine: Think positive

Matthew Robinson's guide to getting fit for 2006.

1. Sort out your CV
Go hardcore

Hold on to your heartrate monitors, we're going to exercise without oxygen. You are going to be doing some high-intensity work for short bursts then recovering between bouts. Besides burning loads of energy, this kind of training prevents injury by preparing theb ody for sudden movement. This week, aim for six 30-minute cardio sessions - just swap one of the interval sessions from last week to an anaerobic session. Here are three ideas to get you going:

Shuttle runs
Used by many athletes to improve speed and agility. All you need is a bit of space and objects to mark out two spots. Place your markers 10 long strides apart. Start at one, flat out sprint to the other marker, tap the floor then sprint back. Do as many as you can in one minute, rest for one minute and repeat 10 times. Log your progress in your training diary.

Punch bag drill
If you don't have a punch bag you can shadow box and still get great upper body anaerobic exercise. Punch the bag, left hand first (that's 1), then right (that's 2), then left again (that's 3). Follow this sequence up to 10 and back again to 1, always starting with the left hand. Time yourself 1-10-1, keep a log of your progress and repeat 10 times, with one minute's rest between each drill.

Stair work: Pyramids
Find a flight of straight stairs, start at the bottom and run to the top, carefully run back down (walk if in any doubt of safety), then run to the second to top, and back down, then third to top, then fourth and so on, until you are at the bottom step and back down. Repeat 10 times and have one minute's rest between sets.

2. Tone it
One-leg squat

This exercise is excellent for strengthening the hips, knees and legs, and improving stability and balance - especially while running/walking. If you cannot do it, practice balancing on one leg until you are ready for it.

One-leg squat
i) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise one leg off the floor, ideally bending it at 90 degrees.

ii) Place your hands on your hips or let them hang by your sides and balance without moving your upper body; lower yourself down, bending at the knee, making sure your foot is not moving. It does not matter how far down you go, even if it is only a couple of inches. Your knee should be heading over your 2nd/3rd toes not the big toe.

iii) Push back up to the top then repeat. You should aim for 20 reps on each leg, but start with as many as you can do well.

Too easy?
Try it with your eyes closed. This will work your nervous system a little more, leaving you with better coordination and awareness of your body in its space.

Circuit: Do 1x20 single leg raises on each leg, 1x20 legs in and out, 1x10-20 1-leg squats on each leg, 1 plank for 20-60secs, 1 side plank for 20-60secs on each side, 1x20 squats, 1x12-15 press-ups, 1x20 bridge, 1 x12-15 Dips, 1x12-15 lunges on each leg, 1x20 ankle taps and 1x20 scissors. Repeat this sequence three times.

3. In seven days' time ...

You will feel even more fantastic than you already do. You have the tools to get fit and stay fit. The more you vary your workouts the more all-round fitness you will have.

Early to bed
The importance of sleep can't be underestimated. Between 10pm and 2am is when most physical repair occurs in our muscles and organs and 2-6am is when all our psychological repair occurs. Most people do not go to bed at around 10pm, and deprive their bodies of vital physical repair time. Our brains are repaired so we can think properly but our bodies do not, leading to problems, whether that is gaining weight or getting bad skin.

Always look on the bright side
When we think about food (let alone see or smell it), we become hungry and sometimes even salivate. This is an example of your thoughts provoking a physical response. The same goes for your attitude towards exercise. If you say to yourself, "This run is going to feel like hell." the chances are it will. So expel these negative thoughts and focus on positive things such as the way you will feel after exercise or how you will look in that new dress you've just bought.

· Matthew Robinson is a qualified fitness trainer.


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