Emma Mitchell 

Dandruff and fertility fears

Natural health therapist Emma Mitchell answers your questions.

A hairdresser once told me, when I asked what caused dandruff, 'It's constitutional.' What does it mean?

Constitution is a key word in homeopathy. It encompasses inherited health, past problems, chronic symptoms, body type, personality, sensitivities, stresses and attitude to life. A homeopath will assess your constitution and aim to find your 'constitutional remedy' - that which strengthens and balances your health in light of all these factors.

Rather than giving one remedy to everyone for a particular illness, as in drug therapy, homeopathy will have many remedies to offer, depending on the individual. Everyone with dandruff may have a slightly different combination of symptoms and contributing factors - for example, environmental (sensitivity to hard water or shampoo), emotional (stress) or acquired (dry skin). A constitutional remedy is truly holistic in that it works to improve not just the dandruff, but also other physical and emotional imbalances. Contact the British Homeopathic Association, 0870 444 3950 (trusthomeopathy.org).

I have had irregular periods for the past two years - a vaguely three- or four-month cycle - but I would like to try for a baby.

Ask your GP to check hormone levels and thyroid function, and for the possibility of polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids or endometrial hyperplasia, all of which can cause an irregular cycle. Inadequate fat stores, obesity and stress can also affect fertility, but there is often no apparent condition causing the irregularity. However, you can do a great deal by natural means to balance hormones, re-establish regular ovulation and ensure your body has all it needs for a healthy pregnancy. Most important is diet and optimum absorption of nutrients - lots of fruit and veg (organic where possible), phytoestrogenic foods (soya, lentils, beans), oily fish, nuts and seeds (especially flax and hemp), wholefoods and fibre; avoid caffeine, alcohol, sugar, additives and artificial sweeteners. Herbs are very effective; chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus) and false unicorn root tone the reproductive system, balance hormone production and stimulate ovulation. For more information, read Natural Solutions To Infertility, by Marilyn Glenville, or visit nourish-fertility.com.

· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: emma@theguardian.com.


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