New mothers are being failed by mental health services, according to research which claims that doctors lack knowledge of how to treat postnatal depression, and women are made to wait months to receive basic services.
A comprehensive report by the mental health charity Mind alleges that although high numbers of mothers - one in six - experience mental distress during or after pregnancy, it is mismanaged as a health issue. More than two-thirds of women interviewed had to wait a month or more to receive treatment, and one in 10 had to wait more than a year. This is despite evidence which shows that the longer a mother is depressed, the more likely her child is to have poor social, emotional and cognitive development.
When the women were treated, more than 70% were prescribed medication, usually anti-depressants, and less than 20% were offered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), a type of "talking therapy" which re-trains negative thought patterns.
This is despite guidelines from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence which recommend CBT, and medical evidence which shows it to be just as effective as drugs, if not more so.
In addition, the report points out, the use of anti-depressants is not recommended during pregnancy and there remains uncertainty about whether they are safe to use while breastfeeding. The report, Out of the Blue, also highlights a confusion of roles in managing perinatal care, and researchers found a significant shortfall in services. A huge 75% of mental health trusts in England have no mother and baby unit. Only three across the country have any kind of specialist perinatal mental health service.
There are only 17 mother and baby units across England and Wales, and they are not governed by particular guidelines. Some of the mothers who used them complained of unhygienic conditions and a lack of trained staff, and some even felt unsafe. Beds are often limited, resulting in 63% of women admitted being placed on general psychiatric wards. This meant they were separated from their babies.
The problems were typified by April Tones, 25, who experienced severe anxiety and depression after the birth of her son Jack, now two years old, and was immediately prescribed anti-depressants. Although she has a family history of post-natal depression, she was never asked about it. She requested CBT services but had to wait nearly a year. "I don't want to go to doctors any more," she said. "I think the [perinatal] services are rubbish. All you get is anti-depressants. They haven't time to listen."
Louis Appleby, the Department of Health's national director for mental health, responded to the report by saying that the need for care of women with postnatal depression had been recognised since 1999 and "there has been a concerted effort to improve access to effective care and treatment".
A new programme would help improve access to psychological therapies, offer more treatment choices, and reduce reliance on medication, added Professor Appleby, while the department had asked the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence to produce guidance for the NHS in this area, which was expected early next year.