I have suffered from smelly, sweaty feet all my life. I try to wear sandals without socks, but at work I have to wear conventional shoes. It's worse if I'm nervous or it's hot.
Sweating allows the body to cool itself, but it's also a response to stress or fear. Sage is known to help regulate the hypothalamus, which is the body's thermostat. In the case of over-heating, take Menosan tablets, by A Vogel, which contain this herb. If stress is a factor, use Dyno-Mins Magnesium, by Nature's Plus - this mineral will relax muscles and nerves and reduce the sweating. Sweat is not smelly in itself, but in warm, damp, airless conditions, bacteria thrive, causing the odour. Shoes with plastic or synthetic fabric linings don't allow sweat evaporation or absorption. Wear natural materials that breathe, such as cotton and leather. After washing, spray feet and in between the toes with Activ Aid, by Salcura, an antibacterial spray that will eradicate bacteria and fungi. Sprinkle Tea Tree Powder, by Thursday Plantation, in your socks or shoes to absorb the sweat and limit bacteria (all available from Victoria Health, 020-8242 6015, victoriahealth.com). Fatigued or strained feet may also sweat more. Use a cushioned insole such as the Profoot Double Cushion (from good independent chemists or from profoot.co.uk).
I have started getting cramp in my toes, mostly when I go to bed and during the night. I am 57 and have a healthy lifestyle. I work fulltime as a lecturer and have a 90-minute daily commute, usually by car.
Cramp in the feet is usually due to a deficiency of magnesium. This results in spasms of the muscle, which can be made worse by fatigue. Take Dyno-Mins Magnesium, by Nature's Plus, to relax the nerves and alleviate contractions and cramping, and also take Butcher's Broom, by Nature's Way, to increase lower limb circulation and help oxygenate the cells, muscles and nerves of the legs (both from Victoria Health, as before). To reduce fatigue while lecturing, driving or walking, wear Profoot's Gel Max anti-fatigue heel cushions or try Profoot's Super Sport moulded arch heel supports (both from Profoot, as before).
· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.