· One in three women in the UK have an abortion in their lifetime.
· Around 180,000 abortions a year take place in England. About 10,000 are on women from other parts of the world including Ireland, where it is illegal. 10,000 are performed in Scotland.
· Women between 20- and 24-years-old are the largest users of abortion services.
· Since being legalised under the 1967 Abortion Act, on average around one fifth of all pregnancies in the UK have ended in abortion.
· World-wide, around one quarter of pregnancies end in abortion - nearly half are illegal.
· 70,000 women world-wide die each year from back-street abortions.
· Almost 90% of abortions take place in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
· Contrary to the hype, late abortions are rare. Only 1.6% of abortions in the UK happen after 20 weeks - and they need compelling reasons.
· 76% of adults in the UK are pro-choice.
· The NHS is not required by law to perform abortions.
· In England nearly a quarter of women pay for their abortions because NHS services are restricted.
· Abortion on request is the general rule in most European countries and in the US but not in the UK where the permission of two doctors is required.
Source: Abortion Rights, UK
For more facts and figures and details go to: abortionrights.org.uk