It's Monday morning and the last thing you feel like doing is going to work. But pulling a sickie can be tricky without the correct terminology. By choosing one of the phobias listed below, you could have a pyschological ailment within minutes. (nb: when claiming a case of graphophobia, it's best not to do so in a sick note.)
Agyrophobia - fear of streets or crossing the street
Ambulophobia - walking
Apeirophobia - infinity
Barophobia - gravity
Bibliophobia - books
Cathisophobia - sitting
Chromatophobia - colours
Chrometophobia - money
Consecotaleophobia - chopsticks
Domatophobia - houses or being in a house
Dysmorphophobia - deformity
Eleutherophobia - freedom
Eosophobia - dawn or daylight
Epistemophobia - knowledge
Euphobia - hearing good news
Geliophobia - laughter
Gerascophobia - growing old
Geumaphobia - taste
Graphophobia - writing or handwriting
Hedonophobia - feeling pleasure
Heliophobia - the sun
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - long words
Hyelophobia - glass
Kinetophobia- movement or motion
Koinoniphobia - rooms
Lachanophobia - vegetables
Laliophobia - speaking
Linonophobia - string
Macrophobia - long waits
Mnemophobia - memories
Myxophobia - slime
Nephophobia - clouds
Novercaphobia - your stepmother
Numerophobia - numbers
Nyctophobia - the dark or night
Octophobia - the figure 8
Oneirophobia - dreams
Ophthalmophobia - being stared at
Optophobia - opening one's eyes
Papaphobia - the Pope
Papyrophobia - paper
Paraskavedekatriaphobia - Friday the 13th
Pedophobia - children
Phagophobia - swallowing or eating or being eaten
Phonophobia - noises or voices or one's own voice; of telephones
Photophobia - light
Phronemophobia - thinking
Politicophobia - politicians
Psychophobia - mind
Satanophobia - the devil
Sciophobiao or sciaphobia - shadows
Sociophobia - society or people
Somniphobia - sleep
Sophophobia - learning
Tachophobia - speed
Thermophobia - heat
Venustraphobia - beautiful women
Verbophobia - words
Vestiphobia - clothing
Xenoglossophobia - foreign languages
Zelophobia - animals
Research by Sanoobar Patel