What the expert says...
Darcey Bussell, principal guest artist with the Royal Ballet, can be seen dancing in Christopher Wheeldon's new ballet which opens at the Royal Opera House on November 17.
Always work with music It helps you to remember and perfect the steps, as well as creating a particular environment so your practice does not feel like such hard work.
Bathe in Epsom salts While ballet involves a lot of flexibility and range of motion from your body, it's essential you stretch after each practice to stay supple. Taking a bath with Epsom salts is an excellent way to help your muscles relax.
Believe in your teacher Ballet is all about making mistakes; you need to make them to get better. Trust and believe in your teacher - often what you think is right will not be right.
Don't use the mirrors Ballet is a visual art so always try to follow the line of your body with your gaze to accentuate the beauty, rather than looking at your form in the mirror.
Never push your turnout Be patient and wait for your inner thighs to become strong enough to hold your turnout. Forcing it or progressing too quickly will only cause knee, lower back and feet problems. Pilates is an excellent way to help build up strength.
Stay hydrated Major demands are placed on the cardiovascular system. Drinking water at room temperature is less of a shock for your body and will increase your energy.
Be passionate Ballet is a tough art and probably not one of the most natural, but that's what makes it so special. It has its own passion and you have to let that come from within - you cannot create it.
Getting started
Find a class The Royal Academy Of Dance offers classes that cater for all levels of experience, from age two-and-a-half up to adults. Courses are run from the academy's headquarters in London. For information on private lessons and workshops, contact rad.org.uk, or call 020-7326 8000 for a list of registered Royal Academy Of Dance teachers in your area. Children's lessons last for around 45 minutes, while classes for more advanced students are generally 90 minutes. The average cost of a private ballet lesson is £48, but you may have to pay more for a pianist. Group classes for children working their way up through grades start at £6 (around £50 per term); for adults, group classes average around £7 to £8 per class.
Decide if it could be a career For aspiring professional dancers, the English National Ballet school (ballet.org.uk) takes students from 16 to 19, while The Royal Ballet (royal-ballet-school.org.uk) - which is considered to set the standard in ballet training - offers an eight-year structured dance course, aligned with an extensive academic programme. The online magazine ballet.co.uk can be a good source of information, including reviews, interviews and tips.
The gear
First-timers will need a pair of soft ballet shoes or flats which are made from canvas or leather. Sansha.com and danceworld both offer a wide choice for men and women, while professional dancers will find a more technically advanced range with varying levels of support at blochworld.com. It can take an average of four years to master pointe work. Experience, strength, awareness of one's body and its capabilities, a fully developed foot and ankle strength are advised before progressing on to pointes. For those new to pointe work, toe protectors offer comfort. Again, a selection is available at sansha.com and danceworld.
For rehearsal, essentials include a leotard, tights - either footless or full toe - a skirt wrap or stretch pant for women, or the old fashioned all-in-ones are still popular, especially for men. Nylon and cotton Lycra are the most common fabrics, but for superior wear and shape, opt for pieces made from cotton spandex. Popular brands include Deha and Danskin, available at Harrods, Sweaty Betty (sweatybetty) and Freed (freedoflondon). And, of course, don't forget your ankle-, leg- and armwarmers to complete the look.
Read all about it
Gretchen Warren's Classical Ballet Technique (University Press of Florida) is considered a landmark book, with time-lapse photography illustrating each movement. Getting Started In Ballet, by Anna Paskevska (Oxford Union Press) may be more suitable for parents and teachers. Real enthusiasts should check out balletbooks.com, which lists just about every book ever written on ballet technique and instruction, productions, autobiographies and dancers' health. Specific ballet magazines are few and far between - the children's Magic Of Ballet features all the usual enticing giveaways, and online magazine ballet.co.uk can be a good source of information, including reviews, interviews and tips.
The downside
It's not a soft option In terms of hurting yourself, classical ballet ranks above contact sports, with more injuries than football, rugby or hockey.
Body shape matters A small head, long neck, shortened torso, long, thin, lean (not emaciated) and attractive legs are considered preferable. Less acceptable are a long torso, short legs, big buttocks, round shoulders, a large head and a short neck.
It can encourage disorders Most health concerns for young dancers focus on excessive thinness, delayed onset of menstrual cycles, scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and injuries caused by overuse. The English National Ballet School offers a student support health service.
You have to start young The second toe must be able to flex 80 to 90 degrees to allow a full relevé, pointe and demi-pointe positioning. This flexibility usually results from dancing while the musculoskeletal system is first forming, so even if you start in your teens, it's likely the positions will always be a challenge.