Between lectures, Leeds University students are busy necking slammers and buying grass at a popular campus bar. This is perhaps not so startling news until you know that the grass is wheatgrass, and the bar is a "Juice Master" juice bar. These days, the truly fashion-conscious no longer accessorise with cardboard buckets of latte, but clutch biodegradable cups brimming with freshly juiced raw fruit and vegetables.
Juice bars are nothing new. But this year Santa's sack is likely to be stuffed with DIY juicing machines as the trend for "squeeze your own detox" takes off. Celebrities such as Jordan, who lost 28lb on a juicing diet devised by "Juice Master" Jason Vale, members of Take That and even Radio 2 DJ Chris Evans have all recently sung the praises of juicing. Naturopath newspaper and magazine columnists are recommending juice blends to cure anything from psoriasis to PMT. Amazon is similarly buzzing with juicing regimes that promise to cure all ills. In The Big Book of Juices and Smoothies, Natalie Savona provides an ailment chart, cross-referenced to 365 juice blends. The Juice Master's 7lb in Seven Days Super Juice Diet, meanwhile, includes a breakdown of what each combination of fruit and veg will do for you ("anti-cancer", "great for hair, skin and nails", "detoxing" and so on). Jo Pratt's In the Mood for Food cookbook, out next January, includes two smoothies - breakfast berry and tropical fruit, designed to improve your mental wellbeing. And The Complete Idiot's Guide to Juicing by Ellen Hodgson Brown will be out in time for the January detox boom.
Juicing is big business. According to the consumer research group Mintel, the UK fruit juice market is worth around £1.4bn a year. Smoothies and juices are the biggest boom area in a total non-alcoholic drinks market that rose by 26% between 2000 and 2004 alone. Drinking fresh juice is an undoubtedly healthy way to get more fresh fruit and veg into your system. According to Vale, however, to get maximum nutrients, "Juice must be unpasteurised, made only with fresh and raw ingredients, no concentrates or added sweeteners." This is something that bottled products and some juice bars don't always achieve.
But sometimes the juice hype is scientifically shaky. "Our colons are clogged with rotting food and cannot absorb nutrients properly" says Vale, so "our cells are starved". "Think of your digestive system as the clogged M25 at rush hour on a bank holiday weekend," he suggests. "Juice is a fast motorcycle courier bypassing the blockage".
This is a great image, but according to Dr Adam Harris, consultant gastroenterologist at Kent and Sussex hospital, and honorary secretary of the British Society of Gastroenterologists, biologically inaccurate. If your colon was blocked or your digestion not functioning or absorbing nutrients properly, you would be very obviously ill. "Some disease processes such as a tumor, diverticular disease, inflammatory bowel disease and severe constipation can narrow the diameter of the colon," Harris explains. "In the absence of disease, the only thing found in the lumen [lining] is faeces, which is entirely normal. If it wasn't, we would all be sitting on the loo all the time."
Food is not rotting in the gut because "peristalsis means that food moves continuously through the small intestine". Drinking juice to speed things up or bypass "blockages" is therefore pointless. As for juice helping your body to absorb nutrients: "While unusual diseases such as Crohn's disease can affect absorption [in the small intestine]," says Harris, "if your small intestine was not absorbing nutrients properly, the last thing you would need would be a juice diet because the first symptoms of a disease in the small intestine that affects absorption of nutrients and calories would be weight loss and profound watery diarrhoea." The colon itself, he adds, is a "waste pipe" that only absorbs water.
The other main claim for juicing is that it will detox your body. Again, according to Professor Sir Colin Berry, professor emeritus of pathology at Queen Mary's Hospital, London, this notion is incorrect. "Detoxification in the popular sense of the word is completely meaningless," he says. Your body is 'detoxing' itself all the time: your gut and skin prevent bacteria and many toxins from entering the rest of your body, but when harmful chemicals do get through, the liver acts as a kind of chemical factory, combining them with its own chemicals to make water-soluble compounds that can be excreted by the kidneys [as urine].
"The human body works at a fixed rate for many of its detox processes, which can't be speeded up in any useful way," says Berry. Even special juice blends, or the juice of particular fruits such as pomegranate, star fruit, acai berries or any other trendy "superfoods" do not have magical powers to remove toxins from the system. Some fruits or vegetables do contain more of certain nutrients than others, but, says Lisa Miles, a nutrition scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation, "There are no specific foods that help us to remove toxins from our bodies."
The only nutritional difference between eating a carrot, and drinking the juice of one, however, is the fibre content. This is why, says Miles, "Juice, fruit or vegetable, only counts as one portion a day [of the five recommended], regardless of how much is drunk. Juice has little fibre." Juicing "also 'squashes' the natural sugars out of the cells that normally contain them, which means that drinking juice in between meals isn't good for your teeth".
Most people, of course, embark on juice diets to lose weight. One New Yorker's blog about dropping 12lb in one week on the Juice Master diet says it all: "Today I ate: 1 Lemon Tea ... 1 Super Juice with psyllium husk. That's IT!". There is, then, no magic to juice: you lose weight because you consume fewer calories. However, says Dr Helen Croker, clinical research dietician at University College London, some of this dramatic weight loss will not be fat. "It is not physiologically possible to lose that much fat in one week," she explains. "You can lose a maximum of 2-4lb of body fat in one week but beyond that the weight lost will be your body's fuel reserves and water." Start eating again and you will regain some, if not all, of the weight.
The main advantage of juicing is that because the pulverised raw materials can taste good, it may encourage you to consume more fruit and vegetables. According to Cancer Research UK, studies show that those of us who eat a lot of fruit and vegetables have a lower risk of certain cancers. Jordan was reputedly juicing spinach for breakfast which, Vale maintains, if juiced with something tasty can be made palatable even if you can't stand greens. "If you can't eat it," he says, "drink it."