Ian Sample, science correspondent 

Sniff an armpit or stroke a cat to cure stress at work

· Get promotion if you want to beat anxiety, says guide· Failure to switch off can lead to medical problems

Sniffing a colleague's armpit, booking nap time in a "sleep pod" and sneaking out to rub a cat's tummy at lunchtime have emerged as the latest stress-busters for workaholics.

The unorthodox suggestions are included in a guide to a stress-free career, compiled for the New Scientist by researchers investigating the causes of anxiety in the workplace.

According to Jacqueline Vischer at the University of Montreal, just having the wrong working space can make people stressed. The flow of colleagues through an office can break down communication and a sense of belonging, and even vague worries over the "feel" of a room can affect workers' attitudes. "There's a hidden productivity cost of trying to make do with space that doesn't work," she said.

One of the most successful ways of cutting stress is to climb the ranks, according to the guide. A study of thousands of civil servants found that the lower a man's status, the more likely he was to die young. Researchers believe having little control over work life leads to chronic stress that eventually triggers medical problems, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart trouble. If promotion is a distant prospect, the researchers suggest taking control over working hours, bonding with those around you or raising your level of education.

Hanging out at the water cooler, lunching with colleagues and confiding in one another have also been found to reduce stress. Civil servants who had moral support from colleagues and encouragement from supervisors were healthier and less stressed. Being too sociable can exacerbate stress though, according to Gloria Mark, a researcher at the University of California in Irvine. Interruptions to talk to colleagues or check emails cause stress about getting so little done.

Edward Hallowell, a doctor in Massachusetts, said that a failure to switch off from work was driving stress levels up, a problem exacerbated by the modern addiction to gadgets such as Blackberrys. One patient asked if it was normal for her husband to put his Blackberry on the pillow while they made love. "Just as we learned how to drink responsibly, so we need to learn to use technology," he said.

Other research is slowly revealing some unusual tricks to relieve stress. Tests by George Preti at the Monell Chemical Senses Centre in Philadelphia found that female volunteers felt less tense after sniffing armpit sweat, although he has so far been unable to explain the discovery.

In Tokyo, a company lets workers stroke cats during their breaks. In New York, MetroNaps sells 15 minute naps for less than £10 in a pod.


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