Press Association 

Inform parents if children want contraception, says MP

The UK has the highest number of sexually active children aged 15 and under in western Europe, according to an MP who wants to give parents the right to know before their child has an abortion or receives contraception.

Teenagers in a playground
Teenagers in a playground. Photograph: Martin Godwin. Photograph: Martin Godwin/Guardian

The UK has the highest number of sexually active children aged 15 and under in western Europe, according to an MP who wants to give parents the right to know before their child has an abortion or receives contraception.

Angela Watkinson's contraception and abortion (parental information) bill is being presented to the House of Commons under the "10-minute rule" procedure tomorrow.

Ms Watkinson cited a report which found that 40% of UK children aged 15 and under were sexually active.

Speaking at a press conference at the House of Commons today, the Conservative MP said that many parents had no idea that their children were being provided with contraception or, in the case of girls, an abortion.

The Upminster MP said: "The first thing they learn may be when their children are reported to have some form of sexually transmitted disease [STD]."

According to Unicef, we have the highest numbers of sexually active children of 15 and under in western Europe.

"This, undoubtedly, has led to the highest number of teenage pregnancies and the highest number of reported cases of STDs among teenagers of any country in western Europe.

"It can hardly be said that the government's teenage pregnancy strategy does anything to deter sexual activity in children of 15 and under... despite the fact that this is below the legal age of consent.

"People constantly call on parents to take more responsibility for their young - but they can hardly be blamed if the Department of Health promotes a policy which deliberately exempts them from being able to protect their children.

"My bill gives parents the right to be informed before their child is provided with an abortion or with contraception."

Ms Watkinson said parents should always be informed apart from in exceptional circumstances.

David Paton of Nottingham University Business School said that evidence from regions with laws requiring parents to be informed before abortion on minors suggested a considerable decrease in conceptions, abortions and sexually transmitted infections.

He added that there was no evidence that parental involvement laws would result in minors turning to back street abortionists.

Trevor Stammers, a senior tutor in general practice at St George's University of London, added: "Up to 80% of unplanned conceptions are due to failed contraception.

"Over a 22-year period working as a GP, I had not seen a single case due to any other cause until the past year or so.

"With a 15% condom failure rate, condoms can only be said to delay pregnancy, not prevent it, especially in teenagers.

"It defies credibility to imagine that young teenagers will consistently and correctly use condoms every time in the heat of sexual excitement."

He continued: "Parental involvement and communication with teenagers on sexual issues affecting them leads to improved sexual health.

"Excluding parents can only contribute to the reverse trend."


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