Craig Taylor 

Are you happy?

Michelle Kioussis, film-maker.

I make short films for people who want something to remember of their life, who have something they'd like to pass on. They talk about experiences that are positive, such as births, marriages and trips.

Often people are quite hard on choices they've made in life. They don't want to focus on regret but it does come out. People say they wish they'd been more present, less asleep. They wish their life had moved in a focused direction. People dance around the things they've been unhappy with and sometimes talk about making stupid decisions.

They've learned from mistakes. I hear people in their 90s on their deathbeds saying it's important to get stuck in. Making films for Life Movies makes me acutely aware that life is for the living. If you argue with a friend, there's no time to waste obsessing. I'm always interested to see who older generations have around them in their last days. It makes me want to focus on the people I love. Some friends go by the wayside but that's a reminder to build meaning with the ones who matter. After doing this job there's a lot less bullshit I want to give out, but I don't know what "happiness" means any more. You can appear lonely but have love and memories. It's contentment, but is it happiness?

I see these films have a profound effect. They introduce elements families never knew. Sometimes the interviewees lose themselves when the camera's on their face. They lose their hesitation.


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