Step aerobics
Leg strength Step classes work the quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves. A study in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that 12 weeks of step aerobics increased lower body power by 11-14%.
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Cardiovascular fitness Research has found that step burns about 9.6 calories a minute. Regular classes can also reduce blood pressure, raise "good" (HDL) cholesterol and improve aerobic capacity.
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Healthy bones A study from California State University found that, in women who did step aerobics three times a week for six months, the bone density of the spine, hips and thigh bones increased by up to 3.3%.
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Balance and coordination Straightforward stepping may not take much coordination, but the choreographed movements are often more demanding. Some moves involve balancing on one leg.
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Cellulite Although some experts believe that a combination of strength training and cardio helps to combat cellulite, there's no hard evidence that step, or any other lower-body activity, targets it specifically.
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Leg strength Rebounding - exercise on a mini-trampoline - involves jumping and jogging, double- and single-legged, which enhances strength without the associated stress on joints caused by higher-impact exercise
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Cardiovascular fitness Rebounding is a match for stepping in the calorie-burning stakes. Research from the University of New Mexico, claims it uses about nine calories a minute, comparable to exercising on a treadmill.
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Healthy bones NASA prescribes rebounding as the ideal exercise for astronauts to prevent a loss of bone mass, owing to the absence of gravity in space, and help them recover from space flight.
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Balance and coordination Research suggests that rebounding may improve "kinaesthetic awareness" - your sense of where you are in space. This is very important in preserving balance and preventing falls later in life.
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Cellulite The American Institute of Reboundology claims that it has a positive effect on the body's lymphatic system. Lymph flow increases by as much as 15 times, improving circulation, skin tone and detoxification.
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