My son is turning into a gaming addict
My brother presented my son with a PSP for his fifth birthday. It wasn't something we were expecting to face for another couple of years. We limit his time playing it to half an hour a day. The problem is that he is becoming fixated on it. The first thing he asks when he wakes up is if he can use it and then when he's had his go he begs all day. The game he plays most is Lego Star Wars.
PB, on the talkboard
If he whines or asks for it, he's not allowed it for the following day; if he continues to whine, he's not allowed it for the next day and so on.
KF, on the talkboard
Any computer-game playing should be accompanied by you and be strictly rationed. Establish the idea of using a computer together before letting him use it for extended times on his own.
NM, on the talkboard
My six-year-old gets maybe 45 minutes on the Wii at the weekend and it's enough, frankly.
LD, on the talkboard
Go with your instincts and hide the PSP. As you said, it wasn't something you'd planned to introduce quite yet.
FY, on the talkboard
My son plays the Lego Star Wars on the Wii. He is allowed two hours on a Sunday (but not all in one go). I set these rules right at the beginning and he's never deviated from them.
YF, on the talkboard
Video games are something that they will come across inevitably in a few years when all the kids at school have them, so why the rush? Use the few years that the child is completely yours to introduce him to things you think are good.
VD, on the talkboard
The Lego Star Wars games have a linear time-frame. The problem with half-hour bursts is that your child will be drawn in quickly, but will not have the opportunity to progress very far. Something such as the Petz games can be played in short bursts, so something like that might be better. Look at for more guidance as to what games are suitable. Your child's going to grow up in a world where this media is readily available - he enjoys it, and he might as well learn to play games responsibly.
KA, on the talkboard
Kids will throw screaming hissy fits about all sorts of minor things if you give them attention for doing so. Ignore him and he'll soon realise it's not worth the effort.
DV, on the talkboard
Trade in the PSP for a Nintendo Wii; that way you get to play with your child, and it's easier to monitor the play time. It's more suitable for small children.
YL, on the talkboard
The rule is, if you cry about it you must be a baby, and babies aren't allowed to play console games. Set rules, check the game content and let them play. Join in with him, ask him what he likes about a game, be interested in it, maybe play it with him. Don't make him feel wrong for enjoying something - imagine how exciting such things are for five-year-olds.
NN, on the talkboard
Our seven-year-old's grandparents bought him an Xbox 360 for his birthday. He became so engrossed he forgot to stop to go to the loo ... This is one present that is restricted to special occasions only. Try it; it works.
RD, on the talkboard
Any answers?
Are long-term romances for teenagers to be encouraged or not? I really do not know if my son's three-year relationship (age 14-17) is the best or worst thing to happen to him ...
YD, on the talkboard
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