Laura Potter 

My body & soul

Björn Borg, Tennis player, 52

Om Body Bjorn Borg
Björn Borg in Marbella, Spain, 1982. Photograph: Sipa Press/Rex Features Photograph: Sipa Press/Rex Features

Are you healthy?

I'm very healthy. Health, for me, is the number one thing. I like to exercise every day and I try to stay at the same weight. If I'm ill it's OK - I'm a pretty strong guy: my personality's pretty strong, my tolerance level is very high. My wife would say that when I'm ill I'm like a big baby, but I have to feel really sick to lie in bed.

What exercise do you take?

I play five hours of tennis every week. I play with three teenagers. It's good practice for me, it's good practice for them, and I can give them good advice, so everybody appreciates it.

How do you relax?

Just being at home with my wife and the kids. I'm a real family guy, so just to be at home in your own place, sleep in your own bed and do your own thing is the best relaxation you can have. Also, in the summertime in Sweden one of our most popular hobbies is sailing. Having the freedom to go out on the water makes me very relaxed.

How much sleep do you need?

Usually six or seven hours. We have a routine in our family, so we wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning, we take the kids to school, I do my training, I go to the office for the Björn Borg Clothing Company, then in the afternoon we pick up the kids and do their homework with them. I think I have the perfect life. I'm very, very happy and very satisfied with what I'm doing, and I think that helps you to sleep. If I relax mentally and I feel like everything is in harmony, I sleep like a baby.

Attitude to smoking?

My wife used to smoke a little bit but she doesn't smoke any more - no one smokes in our family. When we're home, if someone is smoking around the kids and babies I don't think that's too healthy, but I have nothing against people who smoke. I tried it at parties and things, but it's not me.

Attitude to drugs?

I think it's very sad in sport, for instance. When I was playing drugs didn't exist in sport. In terms of drugs in society, I'm just worried about my kids - that nothing is going to happen to them. I'm telling them every second day, because in this world they're going to come into contact with drugs and it's very, very dangerous. It's a very scary subject.

Notable accidents?

I haven't had any. I guess I'm just one of these healthy, happy, fortunate guys.

• Björn Borg is leading the HSBC Sporting Exchange to inspire juniors to learn from different cultures and sports.


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