Good news for roller coaster fans, latest statistics show the number of injuries occuring in fairgrounds are going down. Vigilance is still required however, as a recent rise in the number of visitors hitting something fixed or stationary demonstrates. 27 incidents were reported in 2007/8, compared to just 15 in 2005/6.
All employers, self-employed people and people in control of premises are legally obliged to report work-related deaths, major injuries or over-three-day injuries, work related diseases, and dangerous occurrences (near miss accidents) to the Health and Safety Executive. Their records provide a wealth of information about the dangers of the work place. Latest national figures mirror those displayed by the fairground stats, showing a downward turn in the number of incidents reported.
The Health and Safety Executive carried out a safety review of fairground rides and amusement parks after the death of three children and two adults in the summer of 2000. These figures show that fatalities have remained consistently below this level ever since.
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